Hey sorry it's been taking so long been so busy since it's almost a holiday.

Stella- "Hey Kelly I'm going to Arizona for a while."
Kelly-"Why are you okay?"
Stella-"Yeah I'm gonna go spend some time with my aunt."
Kelly- "okay and what does a while mean?"
Stella-"I don't know Kelly Maybe a few months or even weeks."
Kelly-"Did I do something wrong."
Stella-No Kelly you didn't do anything wrong,in fact you did everything right."
Kelly-Then why?
Stella- "Idk I just need to think things over."
Kelly-"Us you mean"?
Stella-"No Kelly,it's not that I just need some time to think."
That's the conversation we had last night,I drove her to the airport this morning hugged her then she was off.
I honestly don't know what's going on but I hope to figure it out.
I drove to the firehouse this morning and found that they were all sitting in the lounge room.
I found a cold sandwich in the fridge and took a bite out of it.
Sylvie came up to me
"Hey where's Stella"?
"Uh I drove her to the airport this morning".
"Oh why's that"?
"She needed some time to think things through." I said back then walked off not trying to be rude but just wanted to not talk about the subject anymore.
"Okay well if she calls tell her I said hi". she yelled.
"Will do". I said and turned around slightly
I sat for a couple minutes watching some tv.
Matt came and sat next to me passing me a bottle of water my way.
What's up?you look flushed.
I don't know Stella told me she needed time to think about things,I drove her to the airport this morning.
"Well it's probably nothing."
He said back and we watched the scores of the baseball teams beat each other.
One Was the Chicago Cubs and the other one we were not rooting for.
Just then Jay walked in the room.
"Hey guys is Chief busy?"
"Voight told me to talk to you guys about the arson fire that were still stuck on from last week."
"No he should be in his office".
"Alright Thanks",he said and walked back.
I went home and just drank some beer as I tried to work up the courage to call Stella and ask her what was going on.
Just as I pressed the last 3 digits,their was a ring at my door.
I opened it up to see my long lost old girlfriend.
I can't believe it was....
Stay tuned to see who it is
Also I might have mentioned this but I want to keep the stories short that way I can build up suspension to keep you guys happy.

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