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Many months have passed since We have gotten married.
So many things have happened,we have so many gifts for our new house we just moved into literally 2 months ago.
Kelly and I have been trying for a baby for a while now and today's the day I take a pregnancy test.
I just have to wait until Kelly is out of the house.
I already bought one yesterday while Kelly was out doing errands.
I'm so nervous.
First I ate a breakfast trying to make me less nervous. Then a hot tea to calm my nerves.
Then I just went for it,I took it out of the package and went to the bathroom,it took a little bit of time for the whole process,but it was finally time to look at it.
Positive:two lines
Not pregnant:one line
I looked at the box reading it over and over again.
I was scared. So many emotions came with this.
I finally looked.
At first I saw 1 line then my eyes focused on 2 lines.
Holy crap I'm pregnant. What do I tell Kelly,ahhh he's gonna be so happy,he's always wanted to be a dad,and I've always wanted to be a mom.
I called him and right after I found out.
The phone rung 3 times before he picked up.
"Honey ,I'm pregnant."
"What,your serious I'm coming home right now."
"Yes I'm serious,I just took it,I'll take another one to make sure."
I quickly drove to the store,bought it and drove home as fast and as carefully as I could.
And sure enough the two lines showed on the stick.
I called him back.
"Yep,I did it again and it's two lines."
"Oh my gosh,I love you baby,I'm on my way."
"Ahhhhh I jumped around our house and ran around."
Then I realized that I had another human being inside me now,I couldn't run or jump,I had to be careful.
Kelly came into the house and immediately hugged me,and felt my stomach.
"Baby My tummy is not going to show until another probably 2 weeks."
"I know, I'm just so happy that's all I thought about driving home."
"I know me too."
Then I called my brothers one after another to let them know the news,they were gonna be uncles.
Then the rest of the fire team I would tell them in the morning.
7 weeks
I woke up one morning and I lifted up my shirt to my belly button and,sure enough my stomach was starting to curve.
"Kelly wake up."
"Is everything okay,baby."
"Yeah it is,look at my stomach it's curving."
"Oh my gosh we have to take a picture."
10 weeks
We went in for our weekly check up.
The doctor told us that the baby looked like a normal healthy baby.
And we got our sonogram,we could see the baby's head.
12 weeks
The doctor actually told us to a crazy surprise,we were having twins.
We were so prepared beyond that point.
So excited and so ready to be parents,and now to twins.
Both baby's we were told were healthy and great.
16 weeks
Wow it's crazy how much they grew.
Kelly and I were already starting to look at names,and he furnished an extra room in our house.
The nursery,he stayed up so late building cribs.
And added a rocking chair.
It was so cute and I helped him paint the room a beige color.

It was so cute and I helped him paint the room a beige color

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This was the finished room.
I know cute right.
25 weeks pregnant
The baby's were kicking all night and I felt bad because Kelly had to stay up all night for the morning sickness I had almost every morning.
But he always said,"I'm here for you Stella."
27 weeks pregnant
We were told the baby's had to come early,so we packed a bag that was going to be needed and sat In the waiting room until the time came for me to start delivering.
The doctor told us the baby's were premature,and after I delivered they would have to stay in the PICU for a few weeks.
It began,the doctor told me to start pushing.
Kelly was told to stand next to me,while I give birth,and I was told to squeeze his hand every time I had a contraction.
He was strong but I still felt I was squeezing his hand too hard.
The first baby was so tiny and since we kept the genders a surprise until birth,the doctor yelled it's a boy, the baby cried and Kelly and me both smiled at each other,and the next baby took a while. It was turned around in my stomach.
I had to deliver it the next morning even though it was premature it was still a little bit bigger than the first baby.
It was a hard grueling tough 5 hours until the next baby was to be born,and I almost fell asleep I was so exhausted. Kelly kept me awake though telling me about what we were going to name them.
Stella's POV
The 2nd baby was supposed to come 2o minutes ago but something was wrong.
The doctor would not tell us but Kelly went over to the doctor to ask him.
The doctor began speaking to him,and Kelly looked over at me and I new right there and then,I was going to have a c-section.
He came up to me,"hey Stell so the baby is not coming out,so they are calling a surgeon and you are going to have a c-section.
I started crying and Kelly immediately comforted me,"Ill be right there in the room with you."
"But surgery Kelly, that's serious."
"Not serious at all baby,I'll be at your side the entire time."
Kelly's POV
I quickly changed into some scrubs and the surgeons wheeled her down to the operating room.
They put medicine in her to make her sleepy but still awake so she couldn't feel any of it.
I saw what was happening as they cut her stomach open,the baby seemed to have the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck,and the baby was turning blue,I went over to Stella and I was comforting her as she looked worried.
I looked over at our second baby,and the doctors were still having trouble unwrapping the umbilical cord from the neck,but one doctor got it from the neck and the baby was pulled from the stomach and the doctor said the baby was a girl,still blue but the surgeon was helping her breathe.
She returned back to breathing.
After the C-section Stella was exhausted and she slept for many hours.
A couple weeks passed by until Stella felt up to holding them.
Her stomach was still recovering from the C-Section.
I wheeled her to the ICU
Stella held The baby girl and Named her after her mom Caroline.
I held the boy and looked at Stella for her approval for the name Matthew.
She smiled at the name.
I hope you all liked this chapter,it came very easy,I wrote this chapter in one night,this night I don't know exactly how but I did.Wow umm thank you for reading. Peace and Love and everyone please stay safe and wash your hands,I don't want anyone catching the corona virus.😘

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