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Stella's POV
Ever since Kelly proposed to me ,it has been pretty crazy.
The first thing I did was call my two brother's
And we decided to wait for the perfect moment to tell the squad.
My brother's wanted to come to Chicago,so I arranged flights for them.
I think it was around 9:00 at night when I woke up to The song
(You look wonderful tonight).
I walked into the kitchen scratching my head as I saw Kelly with two juice boxes(because we were having a break from wine) as he saw me he finished setting up a plate of crackers and an assortment of cheese.
"Hey Stell I wanted to make this night a distress from everything that's been going on."
"Thanks Kelly,but you did not have to do that."
"Yes I do,I need to take care of my girl."
"Well your girl thanks you,and she would love some grape juice."
"Awesome."he laughed then we decided to watch cheesy Hallmark movies.
We ate almost all the crackers and there were crumbs everywhere.
We danced for a while until we both got tired.
I fell asleep on the couch and being the man that he is.
He carried me to bed because he of all people knew how bad the couch was for our backs.
The next morning it seemed he let me sleep in because it was Saturday.
I got out of bed took a shower,got dressed and since my aunt was setting up when the wedding was going to be,where and what time,I was basically worry free except today Sylvie and Foster were taking me out to go dress shopping.
Which means they are going to help me pick a perfect dress which means it's going to take all day.
I slipped on my ring and I grabbed my keys and headed to Sylvie's place where we were all meeting.

We ate breakfast at Chick-fil-A because it's delicious,and then I got a call.
And my brother Nathaniel just told me I need to meet him tomorrow because he had something important to tell me.
So I went to meet him after his flight had landed.
And we never went dress shopping because I was too worried.
"So Um I don't really know how to tell you this but mom's wedding dress I found it when I was cleaning out her apartment."
"What are you serious?"
"Yeah me and Caleb were going through her things and we saw a big box and it had some things in it."
"And you didn't want to tell me you were going through her things."
"Not really because we knew you would try and stop us."
"Well you are damn right."
"Do you want the dress or not?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"Of course I want the dress,Where is it?"
"In the car in my luggage."
"Wait you got the dress when mom died."
"Yeah we couldn't wait,the owner of the apartment said he was going to throw out everything if we didn't go through it."
"How many months ago was that,you didn't tell me."
"Probably like 6."
"Whatever just give me the dress."
I got the dress and headed home to Kelly.
"So that's your mom's dress In that bag."
"Yep it is and they didn't tell me about it."
"Well it's your choice baby."
"You can wear it and I'm here if you don't or if you do."
"What if she didn't want me to wear it."
Tears formed in my eyes
"Stell no way,there's a reason why Nathaniel and Caleb found it."
He wiped away they tears.
"I'm here no matter what,and I can't wait to marry you,it's giving me so much anxiety."
Me too Kelly,me too
Hope you all liked it,sorry it took so long but I've been busy with classes. But hope this makes up for it,again thanks for reading and peace and love always. God bless.

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