Chapter: 15

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~ mystery P.o.v~

I will kill Her no matter what! why can't I have a perfect life! I deserve it!

She will die...

~Andy's P.o.v~

I woke up the next day around 9:30, I yawned stretching my muscles and get out of bed.

I go into Rachel's room and see she's still asleep... that's strange she's usually up waaay before me... what day is it again?, I check my phone and see it's Saturday. I walk into the living room turning on the tv and start flipping trough channels.

"Daddy my tummy hurt " Rachel says walking in holding her stuffed lizard.
"What's wrong boo bear?" I ask walking up to her, I keel down beside her and feel her cheeks to see that she's burning up and damp with sweat.

" Here boo bear wait here and I'm going to get the thermometer" I say and place her on the couch., I plop the thermometer into her mouth and wait for it to beep.

I take the thermometer out of her mouth and see she has a 104 degree fever. "you must have got something when we took you to the carnival the other day I'm going to carry you to your bed and your going try to sleep ok" I say and she nods, I pick her up and carry her to her room. I place her in bed and kiss the top of her head "I'll bring you some toast and orange juice in a little while if you feel better..ok?"

"Ok daddy I love you" she says "I love you too". I walk back into the living room and remember CC was coming over today I take out my cellphone and dial his number.

C=CC A=Andy

C- hey Andy what's up?

A- hey I don't think you should come over today Rachel isn't feeling well


A- she should be she's running a 104 degree fever and says her tummy hurts probably going to take her to the doctor if she gets worse or she's not better by tomorrow

C- ok tell me how she's doing in a little while and you should probably tell her mom.

A- I will later if she doesn't get any better plus Kim is probably at work

C- oh yeah isn't she a nurse? she could give you tips on how to help her get better.

A-yeah I'll text her in a while anyway I got to go by CC

C- bye Andy

I get up and go to the kitchen popping a a piece of bread in the toaster and taking a glass cup and a plate out of the cabinets .

Hmm which juice should i give her? orange or grape? I'll give her orange for now. I pour her the glass of orange juice and take the toast and juice into Rachel's room, I place the glass and plate on her night stand "daddy?"

"Yes boo bear?" I say
"Why do people get sick?" she asks
"I'm not exactly sure I suppose there are many answers to that question now I want you to get some rest and drink your juice to stay hydrated and eat your toast if you feel better I'm going to call your mom in a little bit"

"I don't want to see mommy" she says
"Boo bear you may be upset with her right now but she loves you and I know you love her so could you please give her another chance" I ask and she sniffles from her stuffed/runny nose and says "ok daddy I love you"
"Love you too" I say and walk back to the living room.

I sit on the couch and start checking my twitter notifications... shit I still need to call Kim.

I dial Kim's number and wait for her to answer.
K= Kim. A=Andy

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