Chapter: 24

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~Andy's P.o.v~

It's been 3 weeks since Sammie got shot and she's been complaining every chance ah got about not being able to do what she wants it's sort of amusing but I'd never admit it out loud knowing she would most likely morph into a giant alien and eat my head off..

"Rachel!" I call out in a sing song voice 'trying' to find her since we were playing hide and go seek. I know she's hiding under her bed I can see he little feet covered in her batman slippers sticking out underneath I can also her her giggling. "oh were oh were could Rachel be could she be in the closet? No no she can't be in there how about.... here!" I say pulling her out from under the bed and start tickling her making her shriek and giggle while making protests.

"Lunch is ready" Kim says leaning her hip on the doorframe watching us with a small smile gracing her beautiful face since our first date we have had 4 more and I've definitely learned a lot more about here than the first time we were together also hoping in vice versa.

I throw Rachel over my shoulder and she giggles louder and starts making protests again , I then walk over to Kim and smile evilly at her "Andy don't even th-" she was cut off when I threw her over my other shoulder.

"Andrew Denis Biersack put me down this instant!" She yelled but the angry was replaced my laughing a few seconds later. "Daddy put me down this instant!" Rachel yells giggling while trying to act like Kim.

"Nah this is to much fun!" I say laughing and start spinning around "god y'all are to light!" I say

"I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches whither skippy's super chunk peanut butter!" Kim yells "skippy!!!!" I yell throwing Kim on the couch and then Rachel on top of her running into the kitchen.

~Kim's P.o.v~

I make a oof sound when Andy throws Rachel on top of me and her little elbow goes into my side.

A few seconds later Andy comes out with a stuffed mouth and a jar of skippy's. I glare at him while he smiles innocently "hi" he says still having the peanut butter in his mouth "hi" I reply flatly trying to stay angry.

He flops down on the couch next to us and offers Rachel a spoon full of the skippy and she gladly takes it making a face when it sticks to the roof of her mouth. "When are we enrolling Rachel?" Andy asks with a mouthful

" Tomorrow" I reply wiping peanut butter off his forehead how it got there the world may never know. "oooo it's batman time!!" Rachel screams turning on the tv. I look at Andy giving him a look " just like you" I say patting his knee and then get up going to the kitchen.

~Rachel's P.o.v~

"Daddy what's tour?" I ask jumping onto the couch. "well that's when you travel in my case in a couple of weeks I'm going to be travailing around the country with Uncle Ashley,CC, jinxx and jake" he says " why?" "Because we are all in a band called Black Veil Brides you've heard are music before"

"Oh... how long are you going to be gone?" I ask " it might be a while but I promise I'll be home again soon ok?"
"Ok... will you play with me?" "What kind of question is that of course I'll play with you!" Daddy says getting up tossing me in the air. I shriek giggling "daddy put me down!" I say trying to have a serious face "fine" he says sticking out his lip putting me down.

I grab his leg trying to lead him to my room so we can play with my toys but he doesn't move. I pull again which causes to make me fall on my butt.
"Daaaaddddyyyy!!!" I whine and he chuckles "come on let's go play with my barbies oooo no let's have a tea part wait no let's play with my nerd guns!!!" I scream"yesss!!!!" Daddy says and we run down to my room. I go to my toy box opening it taking out my nerd guns that have that little sticky thing on the thingys you shoot that can stick to clothes.

"Here daddy" I say giving him a gun "wait someone's here" he says looking out the bedroom door. "want to go attach uncle jake?" He asks and I nod my head up and down fast "ok come on I'll get your mom you get uncle jake ok?" He says "ok"

We walk down the hallway "ha! Your plan back fired!!" Jake yells jumping out from behind the corner with CC and they start spraying us with water. "fire fire fire!!!" Daddy yells and we start shooting them "ow Ow ow ow ow!" The both yell still squirting water at us "ruuuun!!" Daddy yells throwing me over his shoulder running back to my room slamming and then pushing against the door to keep them from coming in.

Daddy places me on the ground still blocking the door. "come on daddy Biersack baby Biersack open up!" I hear jake yell "yea open up!" CC yells "never!" I yell "oh come on baby Biersack! We will buy you candy" CC yells "wow way to sound like a person who's in a van and offers kids candy CC " I hear jake say "what he talking about?" I ask daddy "uhhhh" he says eyes wide "jake CC you better run I'm about to hurt you!" He yells running out of the room "sweetie if a person you don't know offers you candy don't ever take it ok?" My mom says coming into the room with my clean folded clothes she washed placing them in my dresser she turns to me "ok mommy I won't" I say "good" she says kissing the top of my head .

I go into the living room seeing them all in a dog pile CC was on the bottom then daddy then jake."ooooo dog pile!!" I yell jumping on jake. "Andy she's so much like you it's not even funny" CC says trying to wiggle out of the pile " I know isn't she great" my daddy says "Andy your parents called there going to be here in a few days" my mom says walking in "yay I get to finally meet grandma and grandpa!!!" I scream

"Come on doodlebug I'm going to take you to get school supply's and new clothes and a few extra things" mommy says "ok!" I say excitedly. maybe I can get ice cream I thought.

~CC's P.o.v~

"Bye baby Biersack!!!!" I yell closing the door when Andy's phone started ringing on the island that's in the kitchen I know it's his because who else lives here and has a batman ring tone.
"Andy your phones ringing!" I yell picking up the phone seeing the caller ID ... it's Chance? I haven't seen him since well I don't exactly know.

"Who is it?" Andy asks "Chance" I say and he runs in grabbing his phone taking it in the other room. "I'm hungry do they have in Avocado?" Jake asks
"Um I don't know" I tell him going over to the fridge with jake behind me "oooo cherry coke!!" I say grabbing a can moving out of the way for jake "yes avocado!!" Jake yells grabbing one and going to the counter grabbing a knife to chop it up.

"Hey what did Chance want?" I ask when Andy walks in "he's in town and wanted to meet up soon to meet Rachel and see Kim again" he says looking nervous "....Okaaaay that's a good thing right?" Jake asks "well uh last time Kim and I were together he told me... well uh that he loved her" he says and my mouth drops open "oooooh so your afraid he might still having feelings for her and he might steal her don't worry bro Kim is totally head over heels for ya" jake says

"I think she always has been just Andy is a dumbass and couldn't see it" Ashley says walking in "how long have you been here?" Andy asks "long enough" Ashley replies "soo are you going to meet up with him?" I ask
"I don't know maybe I'm not sure"

"Well who wants to watch football?" Ashley asks




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