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Richie was in shock. This chubby boy who he had just met had given him a lesson on how to handle bullying? That was unexpected. But Richie smiled because it made perfect sense. And he kept smiling until he looked at the famous "Losers Club" and found Stan and Eddie sitting right there looking at him.

"You owe me five bucks."- Stan said

"The hell I do! What are you doing here, Trashmouth?"

"Ben-the-Superman here invited me, Eddie, darling. Why? Are you feeling unsafe in my company?"

"Are you mental? You're the one who didn't want anything to do with us!"

"I still don't Eds. Chill"

"Don't. Call. Me. Eds"

"Does it bother you?"

"Hell yes!"

"I'm sorry, Eds. Didn't mean to hurt your fragile ass, Eds"

The whole group was laughing at this point. Richie and Eddie fighting right there like an old married couple. Eddie consumed by anger and Richie looking at him in amusement.

"Does anyone else feel the sexual tension?"- The only girl in the group asked.


"You didn't say anything about it being with him though"-The red-head spoke again- "What's your name?"

"I feel like I should give you a fake name so this conversation ends but since it is annoying Eddie, I'm all in. I'm Richie."

"Hi Richie. I'm Bev. I plan on giving you your wedding rings.Matching, for sure."

Eddie was boiling in anger and it amused Richie. Made him smile. Him being mad of course. Not Eddie's face. Or his eyes, who begged Richie to stop the conversation. Not even his fragile look who kinda gave Richie the sense of Eddie needing HIS protection.

"I'd rather marry my mom."- Eddie rolled his eyes.

"You can't. She's already mine. I called dibs."- Richie spoke up

"Wha- you're insanely annoying, you know? That's just gross."

"Oh Eds... Tell me you don't like it then"

"I don't. Stop it"

"Don't lie"

"I'm not lying! Stop that jackass!"

And suddenly Richie remembered Stan, who was indeed enjoying their fight. He looked directly at Richie and asked:

"What's your next class?"

"Geometry, yours?"

"Same. I guess we're leaving"

Stan got up and Richie followed him, confused.

"So... for someone who wanted no friends just a couple of hours ago.."

"Just shut up. Ben was just really nice"

"Was he? That's new. He usually gets super deffensive when a new boy joins the group because he likes Bev."

"I didn't join your Losers Club, asshole. And... how? Bev is hot. It's not like she will be interested. Why does she even hang out with you?"

"Aren't you the sweetest? She likes us. She likes being with us. Something you clearly don't."

And with that, Stan left. And he sat in the front line, but Richie, being himself went to the back and it should have felt right, because he was like he wanted to be, left alone. With no one to piss him off. But it didn't feel right. Richie couldn't stop staring at Stan. He was talking to a guy named Bill, the stuttering one. They were laughing. And Richie instantly got jealous of the friendship they had. He wanted that cumplicity, he wanted someone to talk to. He clearly didn't want to be left alone anymore.

So Richie got out of school and went straight home, or what he should now call home. His parents had left him alone a few years ago, well.. not alone. He had his grandmother to take care of. It was a big responsability. Eventually there was no treatment for her back in their old town so they had to move. And now here he was, in Derry. His life was completely upside down and he tried not to break everyday.

He entered the house and heard laughs. This was strange.

He walked to the living room and saw... Eddie? With his grandma? What was that pretty small guy doing here?

"Richie darling, I was talking to your new friend Eddie!"

"We're not.. How did you find out where I live?"-Richie asked Eddie

"You're the new kid. I'm curious. It was pretty easy."

"He's the sweetest, I'm so glad you're not alone anymore!"- his grandma smiled

Richie stared deeply at the floor and suddenly Eddie was looking at him worried. Richie was trying not to break into tears right there, he couldn't let Eddie see him like that. He would think Richie was weak and he would be the one annoying him from that moment on.

"I'm going upstairs"- Richie said and then left the room. Eddie's face was filled with regret when all he really wanted was to know the boy behind this mask. That's why he was there. His curiosity was killing him.

"I'm really sorry, Mrs Tozier. I didn't mean to upset him"

"You didn't honey. It's just who he is."

"Since when? He seemed so confident at school."

"That's just not my place to tell you, but you should really talk to him."

Eddie nodded and went home. All he could think about was Richie and his strange, lonely self. He wanted to help. He wanted to know. Maybe it was not Eddie who needed Richie's protection. Maybe Eddie wasn't the fragile one.

"EDDIE BEAR! WHERE WERE YOU? I WAS SO WORRIED"- Eddie stopped hearing after THAT word... Eddie Bear. Richie had called him that today. He ignored his possessive and obcessive mother and walked straight to his room. Why did everyone treat him like he was this fragile child, who couldn't take care of himself? With this question, Eddie fell asleep.



This is part 2. Eddie is curious about Richie eheh THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING, yet I'm warning you: get ready to cry, to smile, to laugh because I'm going to take you guys in this rollercoaster of emotions!

Okay I'm done for today.

Bye bye Losers,

Maria @seriestedtalk on instagram :)

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