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Richie was still outside when something weird happened. He thought he knew the car that was passing by him but he didn't remember from where. So he ignored it and decided to leave Eddie's house so he wouldn't get into more trouble.

He ran into Stan instead of going home.

"Hey Trashmouth! Heard the news?"

"No, Stan the man. Enlight me."

"We're going camping this week. School project or whatever."

"About what? Learning how to be a scout?"

"Learning to connect with the nature according to Miss Denver"

"Geez, as if school wasn't already boring now she wants me to have a deep connection with the threes. Uhm.. Have you heard from Eddie?"

"No Richie, I figured you two would be together."

"Uh.. Why?"

"I-I don't know.. You got closer.."

"Oh, yeah... we did"- Richie blushed-"His mom locked him up so I can't really see him.."

"You were seeing him"

"I was.."- Richie blushed even harder

"Come to the movies with us. Since Eddie isn't leaving prison anytime soon."

So Richie did. He went to the movies with Stan, Ben and Bev. He watched Ben and Bev flirt all the movie and finally kiss and watched Stan eating all the popcorn. While looking at Ben and Bev, Richie thought of Eddie and how would it feel if they kissed. But then his mind screamed "WHAT?" and Richie realised how insane that was.

When the movie ended, Stan walked Richie home.

"Let's hope she'll release him tomorrow"- Stan said

"Is she abusing him? Does she do this many times?"

"Only when she feels threatened"

"What? How?"

"When she feels like Eddie's loving someone more than her."

"Oh.."- and he was blushing again. Blushig seemed like an habit lately- "I shouldn't have let him go home"

"And would you rather have a furious Sonia Kaspbrak waiting for you at school on Monday to tell you you'll never see him again?"

"She already did that. But I can't not see Eddie. I have to."- Richie said practicly yelling-"Oh... well.. I should get going"

"Bye Richie. He'll be there tomorrow. Dont stress too much"

And he was. Tiny Eddie Kaspbrak woke up at 5am in the morning to pack his stuff and listen to his mom for what seemed like hours saying the usual. Protection, illness, love you more than anything.

They were going camping for three days but Eddie looked like he was about to go away for a month.

He got there so early that he decided to re-read the letter he had written to Richie. He didn't know why he had brought it with him. He just needed to.

Half an hour had passed until people started to arrive and Eddie recognized HIS laughing. Eddie kept staring and then Richie started looking for something or... someone? Then his eyes met Eddie's and Richie started to walk towards him.

"EDDIE! I was worried..."- Richie said hugging him

Eddie blushed so hard at this and then, trying to hide it he said:

"Missed me much, have you? Looks like you can't live without me anymore, Trashmouth"

"Looks like it indeed."- Richie said softly.

He blushed again. Why couldn't he stop blushing? Why did Richie had to wake up so affectionate today?

The boys went to the bus and then a teacher said:

"Good morning. So as you know, we're about to go camping so I hope you brought everything you might need. We're doing this experience to know each other better and try to connect with Nature. Now, you'll have to choose a partner to share a tent with, but calmly because I'm done with the yelling. Go ahead."

Ben and Bev looked at each other immediately and so did Stan and Bill leaving Eddie and Richie staring at the ground, but then Richie yelled:


"Why would I be happy about sharing a tent with you?"- Eddie smirked.

"Eds, cmon, do you know how many people would kill themselves to just get a piece of this?"- Richie said ironically.

"A bunch of girls I guess, One's even looking at you now."- Eddie said, feeling a little bit jealous.

"What, where?"

Then two girls got closer to the boys and the one who was looking at Richie spoke:

"Richie, right? You're hot"

"Oh... uh... thanks?"- this made him uncomfortable

"You're friends with the fag I see. I'm Kat by the way. If you ever want to invade my tent I'm absolutely fine with it"- she smirked and winked

Eddie was now boiling in anger. Not just the jealousy he was suddenly feeling but being called a fag? He was no fag. He was just.. different, he thought. Trying to admit his feelings for Richie to himself. And knowing the other boy would never reciprocate.





Maria @seriestedtalk on instagram

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