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"Well then, I see you tomorrow."

"See you, let's go home."

Richie and El left the mall and she showed him a little bit of Hawkins on their way home. Richie went straight to the mail to check if he had a new letter. And he did. His heart was beating faster again, wanting Eddie next to him so badly, but this letters were all he had from him now.

He went to his room and started reading:

"Hey Richie, how are you? I hope you're enjoying Hawkins, but not too much because I need you in Derry, jackass. Today was a horrible day, specially for Bill. It was raining and his brother Georgie wanted to play outside with a boat. Bill pretended to be sick so he wouldn't have to leave the house and Georgie is now missing and Bill won't stop blaming himself.  We're all worried. I just wish you were here, you're good at comforting and cheering people up. They'll find Georgie, I know that, I mean... I hope so. I can't stand watching Bill like this. At least he has Stan. But I wanted to be there for you too. I know you're not fine, don't ever try to lie to me, you prick. But I hope you're feeling better. You're almost here and I can't wait.

Love, Eddie Bear"

Well... that was a lot to process. Bill must be a mess right now. Richie knew that feeling. He always felt like it was his fault that his parents left him. Like he wasn't good enough. 

It was already late so Richie decided to sleep. He said goodnight to all of them but didn't fall asleep straight away. He was overthinking about everything. And how his life had always been a mess, but now Eddie made it better with just a simple letter.

The morning came and Richie was now starting to get used to that early noise. After all for years it was just him and his grandma, and the house was always silent. 

Richie remembered he had plans with the red-haired girl, Max. She seemed cool and fearless. Just like him.

And in fact she was. Max had lost her brother 3 months ago, just like El lost Hopper. Was that related somehow? Was there a story behind all of this? It could just be a coincidence, right?

"You haven't showed me your powers, El-Babybell"

"What's with the nicknames?"-Will said, in a fun tone.

"I just love making them"

"Ok Richie, there you go"- El closed the door just using her mind and made a teddy bear flew from the kitchen to where she was. 


"And a secret. Don't go tell your friends."- Will warned.

"Oh... not even Eddie?"

"If I like him, I'll tell him myself."- El smiled.

El was going out with Mike today and Will was hanging out with Dustin and Lucas to play some more D&D. The boys had invited Richie who said he had plans with Max.

And now he was waiting for her outside. The red-head girl appeared in a skate, making Richie think she was even cooler.

"Shall we?"- she asked- "So what games do you play?"

"Street fighter and stuff. So glad you guys have an arcade, I missed this shit"

"Well then, let's make it a competition."

"Hell yeah... Madmax? Are you the top score?"

"I am indeed, Richie. I'm obviously perfect."

Richie smirked.

"Not for long Maxine, I'll beat you."

"Let's see about that."

Richie didn't beat Max. They had been playing for hours and she still had the top score.

"SHIT!"- Richie cursed.

"I guess I won, Richie Tozier."- she smiled proudly.- "You just lost to a girl"

"Yeah, not a regular girl. A cool one. You don't see many in Derry. They're all just fake and shit. Only care about boys and clothes, they don't seem to have real tastes."

"And El? Is she a cool one?"

"HELL YEAH SHE HAS THIS...."- Richie stopped talking.

"Powers, right? I just get so excited about it. But Mike is an overprotective ass who always tells us not to treat her like a freaking machine"- she made fun of Mike's voice.

"I mean... you shouldn't. But its so cool to see where she can go using them, I get you."- Richie said.

"I'm her friend. I'm not letting anything bad happen to her. Mike just needs to chill."

"You don't like Mike, do you?"- Richie raised an eyebrow-

"It's not that I don't like him. But he sure as hell hates me. He didn't want me in his "party" last year and now doesn't want me with his girlfriend!"

"That sucks but El likes you so... who cares about Mike?"

Max smiled.

"Yeah... who cares?"

Max really liked Richie. His sense of humor, his personality. She might even like it more than she did with Lucas. But wasn't it wrong? Yes, this was totally wrong. So Max ignored whatever she was feeling in that moment.

"I'm starving."- Richie said- "Do you recommend anything?"

"Let's go to Scoops Ahoy. Steve's probably there. I want to talk to him about tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?"- Richie asked- "Sorry, if I wasn't invited, I wasn't supposed to know"

"Well.. I'm inviting you now. We're going to the movies and Steve gets us a free entry."

"I already like Steve."- Richie said.

So Max and Richie went to the mall only to find Steve failing all the pickup lines he tried to use. They had to admit. it was really fun to watcg but they were also sorry for him. Although, a blonde girl seemed to enjoy this much more than them.

"Dingus! Max is here with a new child I presume you'll adopt."- the blonde girl joked.

"Oh shut up Robin. Max, what the hell do you want?"

"Cover for tomorrow. We want to sneak in"

"Again? Seriously?"

"Cmon Dingus. That's the best part of being a mom. Make your children happy!"- Robin screamed.

"Sure. Fine. Whatever. Just show up. You and... Mike?"

"Not Mike. Richie. Kinda getting tired of this shit."

"excuse me if you look like Mike, only nerdier"

"Is Mike one of your... babies?"- Richie joked making baby voice


They all laughed.

"Cmon Richie, we should get going."- Max said and Richie noticed the sadness in her voice. Didn't she want to go home? Maybe trouble? It was true that Max had lost her brother and things were tense in their house. But truth being told, she only wanted to spend more time with Richie. Why? She couldn't say. It would be so wrong. But she didn't want him to leave her. Now that he was there, Max didn't want him to go back to Derry. 

But they were both dating. Richie was with Eddie and Max with Lucas. Well, not for a long time. At least for Max. She had dumped his ass 5 times already, why not dump him again?

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