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"You've got yourself a deal, Rich. It starts now."

Eddie smiled at Richie before proceeding "My favourite colour is blue. Why? Because it is how I feel most of the time. Like I wanna be someone else, like I'm always sick. And I always look up at the sky to just forget about everything, there's the blue..."

Richie was in shock. Eddie was insecure and he had found a way of trusting Richie to let him know that.

"You shouldn't feel like that.."

"It's your turn, dummy"- Eddie smiled

"Uh so... my favourite colour is black, i guess.. You know black is associated to pain.. and pass away or not to be part of someone's life anymore.. There's no light and no hope.. That's just how I feel most of the time.."

"You feel like leaving someone?"

"No. Not that, Eds. But I cant't spill it all out in one day. Where would be the fun in that?"- Richie smirked, making Eddie laugh. His laugh was vibrant and sure stayed in Richie's mind. He now thought that maybe that little stalker and annoying boy wasn't so bad as he expected. He was maybe... Special?  I guess you could say that. But, after all, Eddie seemed to be the only one who cared enough about Richie's problems to try and know about them.

As Richie started to zone out, Eddie looked around at Richie's room. It was quite depressing. No posters, no decorations, nothing. A desk and a bed. Only. And Eddie started questioning himself about the tall boy over again.

"Richie?"- Eddie said, trying to get his attention- "I have to get going. My mom, she'll kill me if I don't"

"Mama Bear wants Eddie Bear all to herself?"

"Could be more far from the truth..."- Eddie sighted and smiled at Richie- "Bye, Trashmouth."

"Bye, Eddie Spaguetti".

Richie stayed there, at the front door seeing Eddie going home in his bike and he only stopped when he couldn't see him anymore. Richie kept feeling the need to protect him and wanting to be around him, and that was strange. But what could he do about it? Nothing. So he ignored it.

And so the two boys went home knowing they would see each other in the next day an become a little closer to what or who was the other, after all.


Eddie got up earlier than usual and went downstairs to prepare his breakfast. He found his mom sitting there looking at a bunch of pictures of him.

"Mommy... What are you doing?"- Eddie asked, kinda scared

"Oh nothing, my dear, just missing the old times when I had you all to myself"- she cried. Eddie gulped, he felt like his mother loved him way too much and he tried to get away from the conversation-" Come here, Eddie. I heard you have a new friend."

"How? Who?"

"By now, you should know that I know everything I want to"- she looked angrily at him- "Is it a girl? Is she your girlfriend?"

"N-no...he's a guy. His name is Richie."- Eddie answered quickly, and then ran away to his room, locking himself.

This conversations scared him. He was scared of ever meeting someone special and his mother ruin it for him, because she wanted him all to herself. Eddie wanted so deeply to fall for someone, he wanted to experience the romance he had read about. Sometimes he felt like a girl for wanting that so badly but he didn't care.

Richie, on the other hand wanted nothing to do with love. He was tired of getting hurt, and used to the lack of it.

He was walking to school that morning and waited for Bill and Stan at the same spot he had seen them in the day before. Maybe they had already gone to school and forget about Richie. Maybe yesterday was all an illusion, Richie thought

"It was too good to be true"- Richie mumbled.



FOR ALL OF YOU WHO WERE ASKING ME FOR IT, I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT!! Im actually proud and well, we're onto something :)

They know a little bit about each other but... what was the fun if i revealed it all right now?



Maria <3 @seriestedtalk on instagram

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