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Next day came and Richie and Eddie decided to go on a date. Because they couldn't handle a single day without being with each other. It was like a drug but oh well, a healthy one. Guess that's what love made them into.

Richie decided to make something special and memorable for Eddie. So he picked him up in the morning and they went straight to the kissing bridge.

"What are we doing here Richie? You want to kiss me in a bridge, just to be different?"

"I mean, yes? But I want to do more than that."

Richie took a knife out of his pocket which made Eddie yell:


"Eds calm your shit down. I want to make something for you."

Richie got on one knee and started craving their inicials on the bridge. R+E and a heart, he draw. 

"This... this is so gay you asshole"- Eddie tried not to cry but his voice was breaking.

"We're literally gay? I was trying to make something memorable..."- Eddie kissed him. he loved kissing Richie. Everytime he did he thought that his future was standing right in front of him.

They pulled away and breathed deeply before letting go of each other.

"We should go for lunch"- Richie spoke.

"I brought food. Quarry?"

By now the quarry was their "spot" so they both smiled when Eddie suggested it. It was a calm day. No drama, no friends, just them. Staying in the quarrt and laughing at Eddie's protests whenever Richie made a dirty joke.

"You know.. when we met? I suggested that Knowing each other game?"

"Oh yeah.. we kinda forgot about that.."- Eddie laughed.

"You already know everything."

"So do you. I mean look at us now, we hated each other in the beggining. No, you hated me!"- Eddie yelled.

"You were a pain in the ass Eds, still are if you want me to be honest..."- Eddie punched him softly.-"Just kidding Eddie Bear. I want to handle you for a long time"

They leaned in for another kiss. A passionate one. not one of those fakes you give in a "Truth or Dare". A kiss that evolves feeling. Deep love, honest emotions and that was what they felt. 

And so their day ended. Next day would be Richie's birthday. A day, you could say, that would bring up a lot of emotions.

Richie woke up to the sound of "Happy Birthday" while Joyce, Will, El and Jonathan entered the room:

"Happy Birthday Rich!"- El hugged him-"We have so much to do get up!"

"Cmon get that lazy ass off the bed!"- Will pushed him.

Richie tried to protest but it was too late.

Richie went to get dressed and when he entered the living room there they were. Max, Mike, Lucas and Dustin. Who ran to him and gave him a group hug.

"Happy Birthday to us am I right?"- Mike said.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICH I MISSED YOU!"- Max jumped to Richie hugging him thight. It was true, Max had missed Richie way too much, she had even broken up with Lucas and she became a little more sad everyday.

"I misses you too Max! You should totally check Derry's Arcade"

"If you want to take me there..."

"HE CAN'T"- Will yelled-"We have plans"

"We do"- El nodded.

Richie wasn't used to be around friends on his birthday. But this looked like it was about to be the greatest birthday ever.

They went to the woods and Richie started to feel confused. Then they found Ben, chubby Ben smiling at them:

"Welcome to the clubhouse, assholes! Happy Birthday Richie!"

The place was amazing and Ben had built it all by himself. He would be a hell of an architect in the future. They got in and Richie found a surprise party waiting for him. He saw everyone smiling and Eddie yelling at them because it wasn't perfect yet.

"SERIOUSLY BEV? I told you to put it THERE! THERE, not HERE, god why does no one listen to me?"- Eddie turned around-"Richie..."

"You... You did this for me?"

"Well of course dumbass. Weren't you expecting it?"

"No"- Richie started to feel emotional and kissed Eddie.

"Thank you. Truly."

The whole group was in awe except for Max. Jealousy was written all over her face. She wanted Eddie to disappear. She wanted Richie to herself.


The Losers got along well with Dustin, Lucas and Mike. Will convinced them to play some D&D while Richie and Eddie chilled on the hammock:

"I can't believe you did this for me..."

"I didn't do it alone you know?"

"I mean.. you're honestly the best"

"Richie shut up. Do you want me to get emotional here?"

"Maybe"- Richie smirked-"I like teh emotional you"

"Shut up!"- Eddie laughed and kicked Richie softly in the face, making his glasses fall.

"I can't see asshole!"

"You like the emotional me? What about the sassy me?"

"Uhhh kinky Eds, are you trying to get a piece of this?"

"You wish"- Eddie kissed him softly-"You horny bitch"

"Only for you"

The party went on for hours and Richie decided he needed some air. He found Max sitting outside so he joined her.

"Hey"- Richie said-"You ok?"

"I guess. I just couldn't handle being there"

"Why? Has anyone been mean to you?"

"No Richie chill they are amazing. It was you.. actually"

"What? Max whatever I did I'm sorry.."

"No, I'm the one who's sorry. You're just amazing. I can't help this feelings... But you love Eddie and that just makes me want to disappear. I'm sorry, Richie"- Max looked deeply at Richie before she kissed him. He was in shock so he couldn't even move. And he should have moved because now Eddie was there staring at him in disbelief. Richie felt his heart skip a beat and immediately pushed her away and ran after Eddie.


Eddie stopped.

"You're lucky I have asthma. Richie stop I don't want to hear it."

"Eddie I didn't want that she kissed me!"

"And you stayed there to what? To become a statue? WHAT WAS SO WRONG WITH PULLING AWAY!"- Eddie was now crying..-"You're not even calling me Eds. Does she mean something to you?"

"Eds...She does BUT NOT LIKE THAT! I only care about you that way cmon you know that! You should know that..Eds please.."- Richie cried afraid that Eddie was going to leave him.

"I think.. we should stay away from each other.."- Richie felt his heart break into a million pieces-"For a while.."

"Eds please.. I love you"- he tried to hold Eddie's hand.

"I know Richie."- and he walked away leaving Richie there, alone. 

𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧➹reddieWhere stories live. Discover now