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"What makes you think they are together?"- Bev asked

"Eddie's avoiding his mom. Where else would he go?"- Stan replied

They heard laughs coming from the Quarry and decided to go there, finding Richie and Eddie indeed together.

"She's not even hot, asshole!"- Eddie screamed

"Eddie Bear, I would totally bang her"

"I bet 10 dollars in how they are talking about Eddie's mom"- Stan said making Bev laugh

"They're cute together. You think they know?"

"Know what?"

"That they're totally into each other."

Bev and Stan decided to leave them alone and Richie and Eddie spent an amazing day at the Quarry. When it ended, Eddie remembered he had to go home and suddenly all that happiness flew away.

"Richie can you... can you walk me home?"

"Sure thing, princess".- Eddie rolled his eyes at this-" I guess we broke our deal"

"Why is that?"

"I learned more than one thing about you today."

"There's more to learn you know?"

"I can't wait to find out"- Richie smiled- "We're here"

"I don't want to go"- Eddie mumbled looking at the floor

"Do you want me to go in with you?"

"And have you dealing with my phsyco mom? I'm fine Rich"

"If you say so. Goodnight Eds"- Richie hopped on his bike and disappeared.

And Eddie breathed in deeply before entering his room and being totally smashed by his mom.

"EDDIE BEAR!"- God that nickname sounded so wrong when she said it, but when Richie did....-"YOU'RE FINE, I WAS SO WORRIED, YOU CAN'T EVER DO THIS TO ME AGAIN. WHO WERE YOU WITH?"

"Friends."- Eddie simply said

"You wont call them that anymore. Are they more important to you than me? Do you love them more?"

"N-No, I-"

"You're grounded. Your room, now."2

Eddie walked to his room, finding his window totally locked. He felt like he was in prison. There was no way out. He couldn't talk about Richie or he might never see him again.

So Eddie tried falling asleep only to wake up from a nightmare in the middle of the night.

And what was it about? Losing Richie, losing what maybe now was a big part of his life hurted him and he realised right there that he was already missing him.

Richie woke up happy. Yesterday had been perfect. Maybe, Richie thought, maybe they could do it again today. So Richie got ready, but for the first time, it took him a long time to do that. Everything he tried, he would take off immediately because it was not the perfect choice.

I guess we could say Richie really cared about what Eddie thought about his style.

When he finally finished he took a deep breath and thought "Is this how people feel when they go on their first date?" and he laughed. This wasn't even a date. Eddie would never go on a date with someone like Richie, he thought.

As Richie arrived at Eddie's house he saw his mom leaving it and locking it. What was happening?

"Excuse me, Miss? Is Eddie in there?"

"Are you the boy he was with yesterday?"

"Y-yes but everything's okay. He's not hurt, I brought him home, we-"- she slapped him.

"Don't you ever go near my son ever again"- she threatened

Eddie was in his room writing. He sighted as he looked around and felt like Rapunzel in the tower. He wanted to be with Richie for some reason. So Eddie decided to write about him.

"Dear Richie,

here's one thing you don't know about me. I'm cheesy as hell. And I write a lot. But you might never see what I'm writing here because I never send this letters. The truth is, for some odd reason, I'm missing your stupid jokes and your laugh. I don't even know what this is. My mom has locked me up a few times but I... I never missed any of the Losers like this. Yesterday was amazing and I would really like to do it again. I guess you're not so bad Trashmouth.

I guess I can handle you. I guess I wouldn't mind having you here in my room with me doing whatever we wanted. I could show you all my knowledge about pills and allergies... you would probably laugh in my face. But it would be worth it because you don't smile a lot. Or laugh.

I know that our parents....This shit is so messed up and everytime I see you I feel this strange urge to hug you and maybe... I don't know... oh screw it... maybe kiss you... so you would feel loved. By now, you probably realised I wasn't kidding about being cheesy. God what is happening? All I know is that I miss you. Eds"



This week has been so stressful but here's your reddie fanfic eheh

Love u guys!


@seriestedtalk on instagram

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