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"We're here"- Richie said.-"Guess I'll see you tomorrow"

"You will."-Max smiled-"Bye Richie"-she kissed him on his cheek and Richie felt nothing. He walked inside and saw Will and El playing something, and Joyce calling them to have dinner.

"So, Richie."- Joyce asked-"How's Hawkins so far?"

It was great. Richie liked Hawkins. He wouldn't mind living there, it seemed like a quiet and peaceful place (if only he knew...). But he missed Derry, not the shitty town, or the bullies, or the careless parents of literally everyone. He missed the Losers Club and Eddie.

"It's great. I like it here."

"Hawkins or Derry?"- Jonathan asked.

"I'll have to say Derry. It's where my best friends are."

They all smiled. 

"Do you think we will like it?"- El asked.

Richie didn't know what to answer. Derry was hell on earth, but he learned to live with that. Maybe they could too.

"It's not the best place, if I'm being honest. But you end up getting used to it. Also, make sure to hang out with the right people or you'll end up messed up. Derry needs a family like yours in there for a long time."

Richie went to sleep but not before reading Eddie's letter. It was smaller... Richie was kinda sad, his anxiety hitting him like a truck.

"Hey Richie, sorry this will be a short one. Bill has put us all in an intensive search for Georgie. He's still missing. Poor Bill, he's a mess. His parents think he's dead... Well enough of this, how are you? You should be here asshole. Bill made me walk in greywater, if you were here you could carry me.. and make fun of me. But seriously, that was awful. Literally the most disgusting thing I've ever done. Ew. Gross. 

I really miss you, shit, I'm starting to see you in everything I do, but I hope you're enjoying yourself there. Just... don't leave me..  Or I will kill you. I swear, I'm going to overdose you dipshit. Come back to me Rich.. I.. I miss you."

The last part got Richie thinking. Was Eddie hesitant about something? Did he want to say something more? Richie's head was spinning. He had two days left in Hawkins before going back. What could happen, am I right?

Next morning Richie was woken up by Will screaming his name.

"Care to tell me what you want Willy?"- Richie opened the door with a sleepy face.

"You're not a morning person, I see"

"I like to be a koala. Now if you'll excuse me.."-he started closing the door.

"We have to go to the movies Rich"


"Uh... yes?"

"You Hawkins people dare disrespect the most amazing gift God has ever given to us?"- Will looked confused-"SLEEPING. IS. AMAZING. AND IM GOING TO SLEEP."

"Ok.. well bye Richie."

Richie went back to bed but he was no longer sleepy.

"Oh shit... WILL WAIT UP!"

Richie got out of the house trying to put a shoe with one hand, holding a baguette in the other and and yelling:


Will and El couldn't stop laughing.


As they got to the mall, Mike said:

"You're late."

"Richie's fault."- El said kissing her boyfriend.

"What did the dork do now?"- Max said, hugging him.

"He was having a beauty sleep"- Will smiled.

"I am sorry, but I will NOT apologize about liking to sleep. End of story."

"You just said you were sorry.."- Will pointed out.

"MOVING ON."- Richie started to walk.


"What is it now Mike?"

"Movie's the other way."- he pointed to the other side.

They all went to the movies to see a new terror and Max and El got scared in the middle and to be honest.. so did Will, he just tried to hide it. So El got closer to Mike at the same time as Will did and Will pretended it was nothing. Max held Richie's hand, leaving him in shock and unable to move.

Max took that as a sign. He wasn't letting go so he wanted that as much as her. Which was in fact not true.

The movie was over and they had lunch at the mall and went for a walk in the afternoon.

"It's finally peaceful you know.. Hawkins."- El said.

Richie started to get confused.

"Yeah but who says it won't happen again? It did, twice! Just when we thought it was over."- Mike said.

"Can we not.. talk about it? I really don't want to remember.."- Max let out.

Richie was silent. What on Earth were they talking about? Maybe the way Max's brother and El's father died. But who was he to ask something like that?

"Sorry Richie. Bad things happened here, in Hawkins. Really bad"- Dustin said-"And people died because of it.."

"My father..."- El sighted.

"My brother.."-Max said.

"I almost did!"- Will said-"Multiple times!"

"My sister's bestfriend aswell"-Mike said.

"My cat"- Dustin finished.

"The thing is... we don't know if it will happen again."-Lucas finally spoke.

"What kind of bad things?"- Richie dared to ask.

"You know D&D? The monster?"- Richie nodded-"It is real."

"What the fuck you guys, you're messing with me, I'm not falling for this shit."

"It's true."- El cried-"I opened the gate.."

"There's a fucking gate?"

"And a parallel universe, we call it the Upside Down.."- Mike said.

"It killed my brother right in front of me.."- Max was now crying-"I hope it's dead, or I'll kill it myself."

"This.. This is insane.."

"Trust me, we know.."- lucas sighted.

"I miss him so much.."-Max said while crying. Richie sat next to her and hugged her saying: 

"I miss my grandma too... I'm so sorry.."

Max looked at Richie simpatheticly.

"She was everything to me. The only chance I had to be happy after my parents left."

Mike was silent. He knew something. But he didn't say anything, he just kept staring at Richie and listening.

"But I found Eddie and he makes all this pain worth it. I know Lucas does that too for you. Speaking of that, why the fuck am I comforting your girlfriend and not you?"

Lucas quickly hugged her.

"Shit happens. Bad things happen. That's a fact. It won't stop, life likes to break us and pull us down so we get stronger while getting better. And fuck yeah.. that hurts. It just hurts like hell, but you'll be fine. You all are. As long as you have someone to go trough it with you and help you trough anything. Man, i remember my first day of school, I used to think I was better off alone, but going against Stan in the hallway was the best thing that happened to me. I couldn't live without my friends. At this point, they're not just friends, they're family. And so are you so fuck this shit, let's have some fun!"

𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧➹reddieWhere stories live. Discover now