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It was their last day camping and Richie and Eddie were closer than ever. Last night they stayed up until 3am just talking about everything. Then, Eddie had asked Richie if they could do "that" again and this time Richie hugged him.

This morning though, when Richie woke up Eddie was not there. Eddie decided to take a walk before going back home and having to deal with his mom again. And now, Richie. He sure as hell would have to hide it.

He couldn't let his mom take away the only source of happiness in his life. So Eddie thought how Richie would feel about them being a secret. Not to everyone, not to the Losers. He knew Stan would support them endlessly.

But he and Richie... it wasn't even official, it was just a date and two nights in a row cuddling.

He went back to the camp to find a worried Richie looking for him. "How cute" Eddie thought.


"I wish I could just stay here..."- he looked at the ground.

"Hey! We'll figure it out dipshit"

"Aren't you so romantic, asshead?"

Richie held Eddie's hand and Eddie took it back.

"Richie, if we're going to do this, I need it to be a secret."

"What, are you ashamed?"- Richie rolled his eyes

"What? NO RICH! It's my mom. She can't know. She'll take you from me..."

"I'm not going anywhere, let her try."

"You don't know my mom."

"Okay then let's make another deal, Eddie Bear. If she finds out, we leave this fucking town. It's not like we have anything to lose"

"Them."-Eddie pointed at the Losers-"we'll lose them."

"Don't you think they would understand?"

"I-I think they would"

"Do we have a deal then?"

"We do Richard."- Eddie said to annoy him.

The bus had arrived. All of the kids got inside and they went back home. Stan and Bill were going to have a private sleepover that night and Eddie winked at Stan. Ben and Bev were also having date night and Mike had to work on the farm. That left us with Richie, who hadn't pland and Eddie, who would have to go hime and deal with his crazy mother.

Richie walked Eddie home and said: "I shouldn't come any closer or your mom will kill me"

Eddie laughed.

"I wish I could say you're overreacting."

"Bye Eds"- Richie kissed Eddie on the cheek making him blush- "Can't wait for our date."

Eddie watched Richie leaving, amazed and happy. Finally happy. Finally living the dream. Finally having the romance he always wanted and surely deserved.

But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain, isn't that true?

Eddie entered the house and it smelt good. His mom approached him yelling:


Those were not his favorite cookies. She knew nothing about him.

"Thanks mommy"- Eddie faked a smile.

"You have school tomorrow, baby, you should go to bed."

"It's 8pm"

"Late already. Just go Eddie, my prince needs a nice and peaceful night of sleep."

So Eddie did. He went to sleep. Most of the nights he felt empty but now? He couldn't feel mpre complete because he knew, he simply knew, that Richie would protect him no matter what.



Yey I finally updated but you know I have a life and its been pretty hard lately and idk... well doesn't matter does it? Some things do, some things dont.

Not everything goes as we want to!

But that's life, sucks but yeah its life and we just need to accept it.

Anyways I didn't come here to give you a life lesson, but NEW REDDIE CONTENT SO ENJOY!

Maria @seriestedtalk on instagram

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