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The boys got in Bill's house and started to unpack their sleeping bags, getting ready for the sleepover. Richie and Stan brought enough food to feed 20 people and Eddie looked at them in shock.

When they were finished, Bev said:

"How about a little Truth or Dare?"

"Yes, let's go"- Ben cheered, thinking this could be his chance to kiss Bev

Bev spinned the bottle and it landed on Bill and Stan. Then Bev smirked.

"S-Stan, truth or d-dare?"


"Pussy"- Richie said

"D-do you l-like someone from t-the Losers?"

Stan hesitated

"I do.."- he said blushing

The whole room went silent and Eddie found himself angry. He liked Richie, right? It had to be Richie, right? Not knowing how to react, Eddie left the room and Richie immediatly followed him.

"EDDIE! Eddie wait the hell up"


"What's wrong? Is this about what Stan said?"

"Richie, I don't want to talk about it!

"Is it you? Do you guys have something?"- Richie asked shyly.


"uh... I mean maybe he does like me. After all, who could resist this?"

Eddie rolled his eyes.

"I knew it"- he said

"You knew what?"

"You like him too, don't you?"

"W-What?"- Richie said laughing- "How could you possibly think that?"

"Oh... I don't know... because you're so buddy buddy with him!"

"Is that jealousy I smell, Eddie Bear?"

"WHAT?"- Eddie blushed- "You're wrong Richie, go bother someone else"

And Eddie entered the room, Richie following him.

Bev spinned the bottle again and it landed on her and Stan. Poor Stan, it was all about him tonight. Eddie kept an angry face, avoiding any eye contact with Richie and Bev asked.

"Truth or Dare?"


Richie wanted to make a comment but he knew this would annoy Eddie a lot since he thought he and Stan had something.

"I dare you to make out with Richie"

The whole room was in shock.

"What? How are you guys planning on figure out who he likes?"- Bev asked

"We're not."- Ben said-"It's his secret. He'll tell when he's ready."

"Until that, we can enjoy a makeout session"- Bev laughed, smirking

Richie looked at Eddie who was silent and looking at the floor.

"Sure. I'm not losing"- Stan said

"I'm not kissing you jackass."

"It's my dare. So I guess you'll have to handle it"- Stan said, chill

"I- I don't..."- Richie started to feel anxious

"What Richie? Never kissed anyone?"- Bev asked

Eddie was now looking at Richie fiercely

"No. Never"- Richie admitted.

Eddie noticed how hard it was for him to admit that.

"You can't force him, you know? It's a first kiss, it's supposed to be with someone special"- Eddie let out.

"Eddie, please, keep your fairytales to yourself"- Bev said

"No! He doesn't want to. So he's not doing it. Is it so hard to understand?"

Richie looked at Eddie, surprised. Where was the Eddie he met? Where did this sudden bravery came from?

"Why don't you kiss him then? You can make him feel like he's in a fairytale!"- Bev laughed.

"That I would really like to see"- Stan smirked

"You guys are sick! It's amazing you all had your first kisses and treat this shit like it's not a big deal. But it is for me. I am not kissing Stan just because of a game, nor I am kissing Eddie. If I ever kiss him it will be because I love him."- Richie let out

"Him? Shouldn't you say them? Are you refering to Stan or Eddie?"- Mike asked

"I-I'm leaving"- Richie got out. He had enough for one night. Sure they were drunk and not thinking straight but it was still not okay

"RICHIE!"- he heard Eddie-" Can I stay at your place tonight? I don't want to face my mom right now..."- Eddie blushed.

"Uh... Sure Eds, cmon"

The whole walk they were silent and looking at the ground. Then they got home and Eddie said:

"I never liked anyone. I never liked a girl"


"I hadn't told you nothing about me today"

"Oh hum... neither have I"

"So.. it's probably normal right?"

"Yeah, uh, probably is"

"Well then goodnight Rich"

"Goodnight Eds"

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