12: Detention...

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Here am I. Standing with Ms. Goodwitch, so I can take my 'punishment' and go about my day. 

Mr. Mar, I hope you understand that what you did was wrong and completely unnecessary

I understand that you don't have good taste in music

She turns and glares at me. 

Just because you do not like the music does not mean you can destroy it as you see fit!

Well what else do you expect me to do? Just bear with it?

If glares could kill, I would be a pile of dust on the floor. Anyways, she opens the door and walks inside. As much as I wanted to run away. I know that definitely won't help the situation since she'll probably catch me before I got 2 steps away from the door.

With a sigh, I walk in and take a seat up in the stands. Hopefully this won't take too long, but something tells me that ain't gonna be the case. Unfortunately...

Small Timeskip

Feels like it's been an hour, but the clock says it's been only 25 minutes. I lean back and get to thinkin'. Another way to take my mind of the clock.

If Ms. Goodwitch's semblance is telekinesis... can she catch my Blade Barrage?

As crazy as my idea is. I think Ms. Goodwitch may be willing to give some piece of mind.

Uh... Ms. Goodwitch?

What is it, Mr. Mar?

I got a question for you

If it's, "can I leave now," the answer's no.

That definitely wasn't the question, but good to know.

Then what was your question?

I've got this ability to throw explosive knives, and I was wondering if you could catch them

Ms. Goodwitch seems to take this idea of mine and think over like I was.

Hm. That is quite a question. How about we put it to test.


Ok wow. This took turn down Holy shit Ave.

I get up from my seat and jump down into the arena. 

When you're ready

I roll my shoulders.

Here goes something...

I throw the barrage of blades, and she caught them. Shouldn't be surprised, but I am. Sorta.

Well I'll be-

Language, Mr. Mar.

Yeah Yeah. You might want to get rid of those by the way.

She opens the door and the window out in the hall and sends the explosive payload into the sky. I think. 

Can I leave now?


Smol Timeskip

It's been another... what? 15 minutes? I don't know. I shot the clock after noticing 5 minutes passed. And because of that, I got to stay in this detention longer. A real... time killer. 

Mr. Mar?

Yeah, Professor?

If you don't mind me asking. Was that your semblance?

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