47: Tragedy

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Y/N lays on a hospital bed. Unconscious. The reason for this is because he's in critical condition. His armor lays on a chair that's nearby. The arms and legs are heavily burned. Up to the elbows and knees.

Hazel and Amanda sit close by with Vale's damaged shell in Amanda's hands. Vale's core has a bullet lodged in it. 2 others sit in the room with the distraught Amanda and furious Hazel. Those 2 are Aria and Keita. They're there for a couple reasons. One is to keep Hazel from going to kick the shit out of the ones responsible for Y/N and Vale's conditions. And 2...

To figure out some way to repair Vale.

But besides that, I'm sure you're wondering what happened and who is the cause of this. Well, I'll answer that with the simple answer of Y/N was right. They did react with hostility. But Vale was an unnecessary casualty in this ordeal.

See, once Amanda, Vale, Y/N, and Hazel had arrived and headed off the bullhead. Team RWBY had came to meet them, but they weren't exactly expecting to see Hazel ever again. And they responded how anyone would after what happened at Haven Academy.

Ruby took out her scythe in its rifle form and shot. Y/N attempted to shield Hazel since she was in his arms still. But Vale had shielded him. She wasn't gonna sit there and watch anymore. So she acted.

Y/N slowly turned around, and saw her fall to the cold steel floor in the hangar. He placed Hazel on the ground and slowly went to her shell. He had immediately broke down crying, and when RWBY begin to approach. He looked at them with anger. Green fire ignited on his arms and on his feet.

He stood up and looked at them with hatred. He fought with it too. But he didn't fight to subdue them, no he fought to kill. Hell, he came real close to before Aria and Keita had showed up. They managed to talk him down, but he had suddenly collapsed to the ground and began to bleed heavily. Aria managed to catch a glimpse of Vale behind him on the ground. She went to go pick her up, but Amanda beat her to the punch.

Aria and Keita lead them to a hospital as quick as they possibly could. Luckily Y/N didn't die in that time. The reason being that some of the major wounds healed on their own. Quite fast actually. And that leads to now.

"Keita we need to talk. Outside," Aria whispers lowly

"Let's go then," he whispers back

Aria and Keita exit the room and stand outside.

"How are we going to help him?" Keita asks. "This has never really happened before. Actually that's not true but it's never happened like this."

"I know but I have no idea either," Aria responds

She begins to pace around while Keita does a thinking pose.

Half an hour later

An idea suddenly comes to Keita. It's risky but it's either this or Y/N might RTL.

"Athena, do we happen to have a Siva fragment?" Keita asks

Aria looks at him wide-eyed.

"Siva?! Are you crazy?!" Aria chastises

"I know but do you have any better ideas?" Keita replies

Aria sighs and doesn't say anything.

"We do but are you sure this is a good idea?" Athena asks. "I mean even if we introduce it to her shell. There is no telling that it won't go crazy."

"We could just go to that scientist that built that robot girl." Keita says nonchalantly

"But he's never seen anything like Siva before." Aria says. "And whose to say he might give it to that Ironwood guy. Then that'd be an even bigger problem than it'd ever been on Earth let alone this planet."

"I get it but this may be the only chance we, so he doesn't RTL." He says. 

Aria goes to say something but...

"I know it's risky, but this place can't lose a guardian. And with the Hive being here too. We can't do this alone. Sure, we've managed  2-man a nightfall and have gone raiding before, but this is on a whole other level. You know that just as much as I do." Keita voices understandingly.

"As much as I hate to admit it, you're right," Aria admits. "He may be one of the only ones that could help us here."

The 2 turn to the door as heavy feet stomp toward the door. It opens revealing Hazel with tears streaming down her cheeks.


"No. We know what you're feeling-"

"You have no idea what I'm feeling!" Hazel shouts. "I cared deeply for him, and now..."

Her resolve begins to break.

"Now I may lose him too..." She says in a hushed voice

Keita and Aria glance at one another before looking back at Hazel.

"We know how you feel," Keita says. "We almost someone too, but he pulled through. I'm sure your man will do the same."


"What was they're name?" She asks. "The one you almost lost?"

Keita smirks as he thinks of the ace-wielding exo.

"His name is Cayde-6."

And that, dear readers, is the end of this short chapter. As always, I hope you enjoyed reading!

Till next time, O Readers of mine~

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