57: A Date with Blue

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Amanda walks into the living and finds Y/N sitting on the couch looking down at his scroll.

"Hey Y/N, could we go see a movie?" Amanda asks

"Yeah sure. What do you want to go see?" He answers

"Hm... how about Gemini?"

"I heard that movie is pretty good." He comments. "We can go see it since that's what you'd like to go see."

Amanda smiles brightly and heads back to her room to get her shoes. Y/N sends one more text to Sam then puts his scroll away. He holds up his arms and catches a pair of black shoes. He stares at them for a few moments then puts them on. Amanda comes back into the living just as Y/N is putting his jacket on.

"You ready?" He asks


With that, the 2 set out for the cinema on Y/N's floating motorcycle aka his sparrow.


Amanda and Y/N walk through the cinema doors, and look around at the interior design. It's spacious and colorful; lots of purples, blues, and various other colors.

"Woah... look at this place," Amanda voices with absolute amazement

"It's pretty eye-catching, ain't it?" Y/N asks, getting 2 tickets afterwards

"It really is..." She agrees

They go to the concessions and get some snacks plus popcorn. After that, they head into one of the theatres showing Gemini. The lovely couple find nice seats at the top, so they can have the perfect view of the movie.

A nice movie later...

Y/N and Amanda are just walking out of the theatre and Amanda has bright smile plastered on her lips.

"That ending was crazy!" Amanda exclaims. "I can't believe that twist!"

"Indeed it was but just try not to spoil it for the others who haven't seen it," he points out

"Oh! You're right," she realizes

The 2 continue towards the exit while trying to keep their voices down, as they talk about the ending of Gemini. The movie our lovely couple is speaking of is about the constellation, Gemini. Or more specifically what the constellations is about, which is the twins. Beside the plot of the movie the theme of it is action.

"So, is there anything else you want to do today?" Y/N asks

Amanda does the signature thinking pose before an idea comes to mind.

"How about we just go for a walk." Amanda suggests

"That sounds... really nice Amanda." He says

"Is that a yes?"


With that simple answer, the both of them set out on a nice walk while chatting about the simple things in life.

"So Y/N, I wanted to ask you something," Amanda announces

"Oh? What'd you want to ask me?" He asks with a raised brow

"What was it like before all this crazy stuff happened?" She wonders

"Well, it was relatively chill. While I was at Beacon I was never really doing anything important besides sitting in class. Other times I'd be out training with some of my... powers or clearing out grimm-infested areas at the behest of Headmaster Ozpin." Y/N explains. "But before Beacon, I was mostly wondering around after I left from Patch."

"Wow... where did you go first?" She asks with starry eyes

"I went to Vacuo and met with Roman and Neo. After that, I came to Atlas and did some bad stuff. Then I left Atlas and headed towards Vale, but I was mainly in Anima until Ozpin and I made a deal." He continues. "And that's about it. Anything else you'd like to know?"

"No, not really. Do you have anything you want to know about me?" Amanda replies

"What was it like before I came into your life?" He asks after a few moments of thought

"Well... it was relatively simple. I'd wake up, take a shower, eat breakfast, and go to work. On my off-days I would sit around and relax; enjoying the luxury of not being bothered by anyone else. Though living alone starts to wear on you, as there isn't anyone to talk to. And that's how it was for a year or 2 before those pervs came to the bar. At first it was whispered comments here and there then it escalated to straight up harassment. Then a week before you showed up they cornered me, but I got away." She explains. Her voice holding some fear at the end. "I was kind of glad when you killed them that day. I felt like you were sent there to grant my wish of freedom."

Amanda looks at him with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Thank you Y/N. For saving me." Her voice cracking at those last words

Y/N pulls her into a heartfelt hug, and holds on tightly.


It's night and our couple are looking out the expansive snow-covered land below. Y/N thinks this could be a good time to give the ring, but a part of him says otherwise. This internal conflict comes to a halt as Vale taps him on the head, and holds out the ring.

"This is the moment. Give her the ring." She says

He steels himself and grabs the ring; taking a quick, shallow breath.

"Amanda I... want to give you something." His voice holding some nervousness

Amanda turns him with a raised brow.

"Ok, what do you want to give me?" She asks

"First, close your eyes and give me your hand. Please." he says

She does as he says, and he takes her hand then puts the starry blue ring on her finger. Amanda opens her eyes and immediately becomes encapsulated by the sign of his love and appreciation for her. She practically jumps into his arms and kisses him deeply.

The end of the chapter on a nice note. Aside from that, I'd like to thank all of you for 200k+ reads. I honestly don't know what to say other than Thank you. Also, I'm sorry this took so long write. As of late I've been gaming and doing online skool work. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading.

Till next time, O Readers of Mine~

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