48: A Process

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It's been an entire day since Aria and Keit brought the Siva fragment to Dr. Polendina. He was fascinated and so was Penny. She had also heard of the accident and was initially saddened by the news of Y/N and team RWBY being in the hospital, but was understanding in why Y/N did what he did.

"This doesn't make any sense!" Pietro shouts. "Every sequence or line of code I write is just overridden by this 'Siva'. It's like its eating them."

"Well that's just about the same problem we had with this stuff," Keita tells him. "We even had to go as far as to destroy the replication chamber so it'd stop multiplying and trying to consume every bit of metal in the cosmodrome."

"Did you try altering the preexisting sequences and coding?" Penny cuts in slightly

"Not yet," her father responds. "I haven't tried because I wanted test the waters before diving in."

"Well if you need any help Doctor, Keita and I will be checking up on a fellow guardian," Aria tells him

"I'll be in contact," he says


Keita and Aria walk through the halls of the hospital.

"Do you think he's awake?" Keita asks

"Probably not." She answers, bluntly. "He lost a lot of blood the other day. But I do find it odd that a couple of his wounds healed on their own despite his ghost being out of commission."

"You saw that too?!"

"Keep it down ya goof," she says. "But yes. I saw."

They walk up to the Y/N's door and open it. One of 2 things they notice is a young woman with pink and brown hair sitting in a chair that's next to his bed. And 2. The odd bowler hat and cane she had with her.

 The odd bowler hat and cane she had with her

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"Oh. I didn't know he had a little sister." Keita says absentmindedly

The neapolitan girl fumes at his words and takes out a notebook. She quickly writes something down, and shows it to them.

"I am not his sister! I'm an old friend of his." Keita reads aloud. "I came to see the damage myself. Heard he took on the infamous Team 'RWBY' and lived."

Keita and Aria look at each other then back at Neo. Neo writes something else down and then shows them again.

"And if you don't mind me asking, who the hell are you 2?"

"We're... his fireteam," Keita says. "The ones that brought him here."

Neo writes something down again.

"Fireteam, huh? Me and someone else were in a team with him. But seeing as I'm the only one here. I'm sure you can guess where the other one is," Keita reads

A knock at the door catches their attention.

"You can come in." Keita says

Hazel and Amanda enter the hospital room. Neo and Hazel meet each-other's gaze. Neo looks at her with a bit anger then looks at Amanda with confusion.

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