18: The Crash

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My gun is useless

The pieces of the Red Rose lay on ground since Cinder broke it when the sword she threw impaled me after going straight through Red's frame.

I lay on floor of the train with a sword embedded in my stomach. Cinder pushes the sword deeper into my stomach and spine; taking my ability to walk away for a time.

Once she finishes she stands back to 'admire' her handiwork.

Cinder: You put up a good fight, but it wasn't good enough

Cinder takes a stance as a bow forms in her hands.

Cinder: Any last words?

I chuckle a little while I lay on the floor of this train.

Y/n: You're just a pawn...

The smile she once had fades into a more sour expression. After what feels like minutes, she lets the arrow fly; it comes straight towards my chest and pierces what I think is my lung.

I begin coughing my lung out... literally

I assume Cinder has left the scene since I can't see her anywhere or in general. I can feel my own blood flooding into my lung as I lay here dying, but it's oddly peaceful; waiting for my consciousness to finally fade away.

The train car shakes but I barely notice as my grip on reality ebbs away every second. The last thing I can see is a flash of light before the darkness of death takes hold. But when I open my eyes again, I'm greeted with a lush green field. I look around and take in my surroundings.

Y/n: This is... new

I turn back and see a lone tree; I make way over to this tree, but as I do something seems off about this tree. Once I'm close enough to see the tree as clear as can be; I notice its rotted and the leaves are drained of all life

At the base of the tree, lies a rose. A wilted rose.

I reach a hand to the rose, but as I touch it; life comes back to it. Its unnatural color is replaced with a vibrant red.

Y/n: There, all better

Then the sky began getting brighter and brighter as seconds passed. The light was gone as fast as it came. First thing I can hear is gunfire and grimm. My vision is hazy as I open my eyes; it's like I knocked over by a grenade or something.

'I'm back...'

Then someone or something damn near strangles me to death. Again.

???: I thought I lost you!

'Okay then.'

Y/n: (muffled) I'd appreciate it if you don't kill me

???: Oh, I'm sorry!

As I'm released from this death hug, I notice it was oddly enough...  Ruby.

'No wonder she can carry that giant scythe'

As I look around, I notice the sheer amount of huntsman and huntresses fighting grimm that are emerging from a massive hole.

Vale: I know what your thinking and it's already there

I look to my holster and see Rose sittin' pretty.


My fight with Cinder has left my armor in a condition that is... unfavorable to say the least

Y/n: Vale, I need armor

Vale: On it

Ruby: Who are you talking to?

[Discontinued] Sorrow's Road (Abused Male Reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now