19: Vytal Festival

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Y/N: Since when do arena's have lava?!

Vale: Keep it down! I'm trying to watch the fight here!

Y/N: Whatever...

I kept watching as Ruby's team faced off against another. Surprisingly they're winning, I think.

A girl rod on a hoverboard with a 2 blades on each end.

'How does that even work? And how did she even make that?!'

Pushing those thoughts to the side, I reengage watching this dual between Blake and Hovergirl. The hovergirl homes in on Blake only to be flung into the air with her board in half; which turns into FUCKING GUNS. Anyway, she grabs her pistols and unloads them towards Blake, but falls straight on to her ass as her heels touch the icy ground beneath. 

'I gotta ask her about how she got that thing made'

I turn my attention to Yang who surprisingly and seemingly found her match in hand-to-hand. She and the other cqc fighter throw punches and jabs, but miss each other because of one another dodging. When they collide fist it sends a gust of wind through the arena, and pushes the two away from one another. Yang jumps in with a kick, but is countered then gets put on ice, literally. Yang struggles to stand until she gets punched in the dead center of her face which knocks her back in front of some guy that was just standing there with his gun in hand. He turns to shoot Yang but gets incased in ice by Ruby, who was prone in the Ice zone. 

A guy with a staff just materializes behind her while saying something before getting fucking dropkicked, by Weiss, through a glyph. Ruby stands and joins up with Weiss as she springs forward with surprising accuracy. She slashes at him while jumping back over him. Ruby jumps on the glyph behind Weiss, and is given a boost into the air. She plummets down upon him; breaking the ground beneath them as she collides with him. She fires her scythe and gets launched back to Weiss' side. The 2 take a stance together as stickman stands up. He rushes past the 2 and breaks a piece of what I think is dust and throws it at hoverboard, to which she stabs into her hoverboard which turns it red.

'Wow, that was so cool. It can change elements.'

The fight between Blake and hovergirl goes pretty well till Blake dropkicks her out the ring.

Port: That's a double whammy! Reese Chloris is eliminated by ring-out AND aura!

Y/N: Hah!

I look back just in time to the other two teammates of ABRN get put into a giant ice-ball by Weiss Queen. The ball begins rolling towards the edge of the ring before getting turned to dust by one punch. One. Punch. Then Weiss makes what is to be describe as a large ramp which Yang immediately takes to slide up and catch Blake's gun, and be taken to finish the rest of ABRN in the most spectacular haymaker I have ever seen.

Y/N: Man, why do I feel hungry? I wasn't even fighting...

Small Timeskip

Ruby: Is anyone else starving?

Y/N: Yes

They jump at the sound of my voice.

Y/N: Wow, it's like I don't even exist sometimes

Blake: We're never expecting you to just walk up like that

Y/N: Fair point

Then the most astounding roar I have ever heard cuts through the air.

Blake: I may have worked up an appetite

Weiss: Gee, if only there were some place to get food on this campus

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