67: General

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"Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?!" Keita yells

"We are very much aware of that, but we're running out of options." Ironwood responds calmly. "This could be our only way to bring their numbers down significantly."

"But creating a dust bomb using Siva is completely outlandish!" Keita counters. "It could decimate more than just the Keep!"

Aria comes up on Keita's side. 

"He's right General." She says. "It could possibly take out a large majority of Vale with it, and anyone who may trapped or otherwise."

Ironwood's expression remains unchanged from hearing, and he turns his back to the Guardians.

"This will happen." He says. "Casualties or not."

Ironwood goes to walk away, but Keita stops him.

"General, if you're planning on going through with this." He starts. "Let us run an op to get any survivors out. If we can't... you can drop the bomb."

Ironwood nods and Keita lets him leave. Keita's fist clench tightly. He can't let this happen, but what can he do to stop him? It'd be him, his ghost, and Aria against the General of the Atlesian military. How could he have hope to stop him?

Keita snaps out of his thoughts from Athena bumping his shoulder.

"Keita." Aria says.

"What is it?" 

"We'll figure something out." She says, hope-filled. 

"Yeah. Of course we will." He says, emptily. 

"C'mon. Let's go visit Y/N's family." She suggests. "We have to show them what we found."

"Right." He says.

Athena and Aria's ghost, Artemis, watch their chosen souls walk out the room. Then they turn to one another.

"Think the kid's doing okay over in Sol?" Artemis chimes. 

"Hopefully he's doing better than we are." Athena replies.

"Get a move on, you two!" Aria yells from the door.

The two ghosts roll their eye? Eyes? Eye. They roll their eye and fly out the door.

. . .

Neo lays on the couch watching TV. It's been pretty quiet around here, and not much has been going on. Except for Amanda's due date is approaching, and she's got high hopes Y/N will make his return before his first child is born. Although it doesn't seem like he will from the way things seem.

She sighs and grabs the remote. Flicking through the channels. Neo gets through 5 channels before a knock at the door catches her attention. She gets up and heads to the door. It's Keita and Aria.

"Hey Neo. How've you been?" Aria asks.

Neo gives a thumbs up with a small smirk.

"Good to hear." She says. "Can we come in?"

Neo nods and steps to the side.

"Are Amanda and Hazel here with you?" Aria asks.

Neo nods again.

"Could you bring down here? We got something important to tell you three." Keita adds.

Neo gives a thumbs up, and heads for the stairs to go get to them.

"Really think it's him, Keita?" Aria asks. 

"I'm as sure as I'll ever be." He answers, confidently.

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