56: Date with the Amazonian

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Y/N wakes in Hazel's strong arms. A sigh falls from him as he knows that he isn't going anywhere while she sleeps. Vale floats above of them while staring at Y/N with an odd gaze.

"What?" He whispers

"Wake her up." Vale whispers back

"Are you crazy?!" Y/N whisper-shouts

Hazel stirs and unintentionally pulls him closer. Vale giggles a little at the sight. Y/N would be very upsetti spaghetti if not for the transmat thanks to Vale, but he falls to the ground. He manages to catch himself with a well-timed push up. Y/N gets up with a less than happy expression.

"I got you out, didn't I?" Vale remarks

He looks at her with a blank stare.

"Go take a shower and then come downstairs." Vale commands. "You're gonna make some pancakes."

2 cables drift from Vale and latch onto the doorknob then open it. The cables retract and Vale floats out; heading to the kitchen. Y/N... doesn't question it and gets some clothes.


Y/N walks into the kitchen seeing a box of pancake batter, a pan, 2 plates, and some other things. Vale floats there with 2 cables dangling from the sides of her core.

"C'mon. I'll teach you." Vale offers

"...Okay. I am going to take a wild guess that since there is 2 plates that these pancakes are for Amanda and Hazel, right?" Y/N asks, unsure

"Of course dumb dumb. Now get over here." Vale barks

The process was difficult with the first few pancakes. One was too small, one too burnt, and one was too... pancake-y. On the fourth is when Y/N got it down. Making the pancake mix was even harder than this!

Y/N makes 4 nice pancakes for his 2 beloved women. The soft footsteps behind him reveal to be the 5'6" Ice cream girl, Neo Politan.

He makes another 4 pancakes which Neo gives a nice 7/10. Not bad for his concoctions. Y/N generously pours some syrup on each and they're both taken. One by Vale to Amanda and the other by Y/N to Hazel.

Y/N opens to the door to Hazel's room. He knocks on the door frame waking Hazel up with about 9 moderately loud knocks.

"Hey sleepy head," Y/N greets

Hazel smiles sweetly at her beloved. She sits up as the plate is set down on her lap. Y/N giving her a fork and knife as well.

"Did you make these?" Hazel asks

"With some help along the way, yes." He responds with a smile

Hazel cuts them up and takes a bite.

"Not bad for you first time cooking." Hazel compliments

"Thank you." Y/N says with a smile. "So... are you planning on doing anything today?"

"Doing an exercise that consists of yoga, pushups, and squats. Why do you ask?" Hazel wonders. "Did you want to join me?"

"...Yes." He says, convincingly. "Like some bonding between the two of us."

"Hm... that would be nice," She says

"Oh and I... also wanted to take you out later." Y/N adds, a tad bit shy

Hazel smiles at him then plants a little kiss on his lips.

"I would love that, Y/N." Hazel says, delighted. "But first, I need to take a shower and I need your help to get my back."

"Oh sure."

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