Do You Have Five Dollars?

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I can still see them on the field after I teleport, next to the shed in the middle on nowhere. But it's all flat territory around here, so if they look in the right direction, they can see me. So I duck, since the grass is much taller here, getting drenched in the still-pouring rain.

The rain is cold, though, so it numbs the pain in my hand a little.

I had the bag with the catsuit and the crutch next to me in the car and I left it there; I wasn't holding them when I teleported. So I don't have them right now.

I turn away and teleport again, only to end up on the road.

The middle of a highway, to be exact.

Lucky I can still teleport a few more times with enough energy.

So I teleport into the black minivan that is hurtling toward me.

"Rowan?" I yell out in surprise at the driver. "Oh, shit."


He looks at my hand. "You didn't take it out?"

"No. Isn't it going to hurt more if I take it out?" I frown.

"Mavi," he sighs. "It's going to hurt for, like, a year or more if you don't take it out right now. If you do take it out, it might hurt more, but the pain will also go away faster."

"You have a point." I say. "I'll take it out later."

"You're just going to keep the fucking dagger in your hand?"

"Do you know the amount of damage it causes if you just pull a knife out of your hand? So, yes, I'm am keeping this in here. Unless you have a bandage I can use right now?" A small trickle of blood has been running down my hand, but it's going to be a river if I take it out and there's no bandage.

"I have paper towels," Clint says two rows behind us.

"A river of blood probably won't be stopped by paper towels, Mr. Bird."

"It will, if you apply enough of them," Clint defends himself.

"And how many do you have?"

"Um... One."

"Point trashed. I'm keeping this till I get somewhere I can get a professional medic to take it out."

"I can take it out," Rowan offers. "I've seen a bunch of YouTube videos that say how to take out a knife without causing damage."

"Have you ever tried it on a real person?" I ask doubtfully.

"Well, no, but I can try, but I'm going to have to go to some store or something and buy a shitload of bandages. So we're going to have to find the entrance to the nearest city and drive around till we find a store that sells the type of bandages you need."

"Or you could go to a hospital," I point out. "Or I could go to the hospital. Or we could just go back to the SHIELD base we just came from, because that's literally two miles away, now."

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