My Best Friend Blocks Me

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Warning: contains some fourth-wall-breaking

(September 21, 2009)
"So what now?" Pepper looks at Tony.
I shrug. "It's okay, I can make it on my own. I can make it for 6 years."

"You only need to be 18 to live on your own. And you're 14. Why 6 more years?"

"I—It's complicated," I sigh. "Maybe I'll tell you someday. But not now. And only if it goes right."

"What?" Tony asks.

"I didn't say I'd tell you today, did I? And I never guaranteed I'd ever tell you. I just met you."

"Forget about this," Pepper mutters. "Mavi, do you or do you not have any place to go?"

I shake my head sheepishly.

"Then you're staying with us," Tony says firmly.

I try to protest but he shakes his head. "You don't even know me!" I say. I could have said that I didn't know him, but that would be a lie.

"Well, you don't have anywhere to go, so I'd say leaving you here is out of the question," Pepper intervenes.

I know I can survive for six more years, to stop so many people here from dying. And then I can take that eternal nap I've always wanted to take.

At least here I have a purpose. I can try to save Frigga, Pietro, Vision, Heimdall, Tony, Natasha, Gamora, and Loki. Odin can go die in a Norway for all I care. Saving Yondu—I can try.

Try is the key word. I could  end up messing everything so badly that am the end of this universe.

And if it goes right, and I manage to tell them about Thanos before 2018, and they take the fight to him and kill him before he succeeds, then no one needs die.

"Only for two and a half years," I tell them. "And then you have to let me go."

"Why so specific?" Pepper questions.

"You'll see." I smile.

"You're from the future? You said it was 2019 when you stepped through that doorway?" Tony asks, raising an eyebrow.

I nod. "I'm not telling you anything yet."

"I heard you the first time," Tony rolls his eyes.


"I have to go to school?" I ask in disbelief.

"How are you gonna get a job if you don't go to school?" Tony raises an eyebrow.

I can fucking teleport, I'll find a way. Obviously I don't say that out loud. I can imitate voices, too, so I can just get a job by sounding like some young adult who doesn't exist here and putting on a shit ton of makeup.

"Fine," I groan. We are in Stark Tower, and Tony has his mind set on adopting me for some reason. Maybe the memers at home were right about him adopting every kid he meets.

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