Chapter 27

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I fell backwards out of our window before she even reached the window, falling to the ground, luckily I wasn't alone in this. I plugged my earbuds in and started 'The Vengeful One' by Disturbed as I neared the ground, opening a portal to hell at the last second. I met Jack within, and he was in our truck, playing the same song I had in my ear buds.

"I'M THE HAND OF GOD, I'M THE DARK MESSIAH," He said, pointing to me as the next lyrics came up, I knew them and flew into the car as I finished the line.

"I'M THE VENGEFUL ONE!" I screamed, and we continued singing as we made our way through hell towards the second portal I had made, that would drop us off in San Antonio. We stepped out and pulled our Bandanas on, not feeling like being recognized by the cops, and headed towards the bar we used to go to when we lived here, "La barra del inframundo". Green Day was playing as we entered, and sat at the bar, ordering Lucifer's brew for both of us.

"What's goin' on y'all?" The bartender, and personal friend of ours Damien, greeted us and handed us our drinks.

"Playing cat and mouse with his mate," Jack said, pointing a finger at me as if I had committed some kind of crime.

"Of course he is, what else would he be doing? Ya nervous about your mate, kid?"

"Nervous?! Me? No, I just like following the rules of the real world, 'Ya gotta chase whatcha wanna catch'," I said, drinking my beer and hoping they wouldn't see my bouncing leg.

"Mhmm, and I'm the president of the US," Damien said, handing me another beer, he could tell I was stressed. It's not like you could blame me, I didn't exactly plan this whole thing out, and unlike Jack, I wasn't great at the whole 'winging it' thing. My talents laid elsewhere, in sarcasm, violence, and profanities. That's when the bar opened and the smell of Big Red flooded the bar, 'She found us, Jake, ya still wanna play?' 'You know it!', I ordered another beer with a smirk on my face as Alex took a seat to my right, she thought she had cornered me and I was about to prove her dead wrong.

"One tequila sunrise, please," She asked, I could feel her glare from my side and I knew that she knew I was up to no good, "If you run, I'll tackle you, and you'll be pinned against a wall."

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm faster and, no offense, smarter. Welcome to the real world, chase what you wanna catch, but I'll give you credit for finding me here," I said, finishing my beer and grabbing Jack by the shoulder. 'Let's get outta here, I have an idea' 

Once we got outside, I swung a hard right into an alley way and started my plan, we switched clothing with me ending up in a red and black flannel, black jeans, and a pair of aviator sunglasses, with Jack in my hoodie and jeans.

"I'm gonna head up towards Blake's, you go to the range, if things go according to plan, she'll follow you because you have my clothes on. If she does, you lose her there and head back to Blake's where we get back in the truck and book it home."

"If this doesn't work, you owe me a twenty," Jack said as we split up heading opposite directions, I put my headphones in and walked quickly up the street towards Blake's. Blake's was another bar Jack and I used to go to before we started the family, luckily they still served us free drinks. I was in front of the bar, literally across the street when I got a text from Alex. 'You step foot in that bar, I'll chase you when you leave, and it will end with you pinned against a wall. Do not test me, little one.' I'd never tell anyone, but that almost made me want to actually listen to authority...keyword there being almost; because, as anyone could guess, I didn't listen. 'Good luck with that, but I'll make you a deal: You catch me, I'll make you dinner, my treat for winning a game that no one has ever won.' And then immediately texted Jack 'Get your ass back to Blake's, she's onto us!' and entered the bar.

Needless to say, it was chaos, what for being run by hell-spawn and all; We aren't exactly known for our cleanliness. I took a seat on a barstool, ordered a shot of tequila but never drank it, I had a plan to use it but not for drinking, that's when Jack walked in, being dragged by the ear by Alex.

"Now this is something I'd pay to see, the big bad Jack being tamed by a wolf."

"Let's go, Jacob, we need to talk."

"Alright, fine," I said, and drank the shot, but didn't swallow; instead, I swished it a little bit in my mouth before spitting it out in a large blanket of vapor and lighting my thumb to run it through the vapor. Getting her to back away from the heat was the plan, which worked, but Jack being able to get away was a nice bonus. We met up outside and ran for the truck, only to be met with Alex in front of it.


"Alright, fine, you win. No tricks this time, Jack, see ya in hell," I said and opened a small portal below him, so it was just me and Alex, in all seriousness, I was nervous. 

"No tricks, pup. Understood?"

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