Chapter 9

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Approaching Lucifers mansion, I heard the shooting of his gun and looked up to see skull shards falling around me 'Great~' I thought as I entered the elevator 'he wants to talk AND shoot, great fun.' I exited the elevator, drink in hand, and took a seat adjacent from him as he reloaded his gun.

"So, you have fun chasing after your Alpha last night, Jakey?"

"I'm going to fucking slap you, asshat," I said standing up, he knew I hated being called Jakey because it wasn't intimidating at all, and it made me seem more of a bitch than I wanted people to think I was. He started laughing as he finished loading his clip and set down the gun as to not accidentally shoot me, I joined in because I knew I wasn't that intimidating so it was pretty funny. We simmered down after a while and he yelled at someone to throw another skull, and I got an idea, I took one of the skulls from the rack and grabbed his attention, he knew I wasn't gonna make this easy on him. I threw it at an angle, and with a flick of the wrist, it curved a sharp left, making him miss, and making me smirk at him with success in my eyes.

"Gimme another one," he said and I grabbed another skull, this time I through it straight behind him, using my left hand, and flicked it to the right, catching him off guard and making him miss his shot.

"Been a while since you've hit a moving target, eh?" I asked him tauntingly, he was a great shot but every master gets rusty at his craft every once in a while.

"Yeah, go again, and tell me about the Alpha chase while you're at it," He said and readied his gun against his shoulder, and when he got in a proper shooting stance, back straight, legs in line with his shoulders, and eyes focused, I pulled back and threw a fastball straight at his statue about fifty feet out. He shot it as I anticipated, and I told him about how Alex had been stalking us again, I explained that where we were and I could tell that I had his attention because he hadn't moved his eyes from where the skull had been shot. I readied myself again and threw a curveball ten feet to the left of the statue, which he hit, and I explained that I had chased her for a bit before she disappeared and I lost control of my anger. I grabbed my soda and threw a beer to Lucifer, I needed a minute to ready myself again, and told him about how when I walked back to the bar she called me and said that I shouldn't chase her, or whatever it was that she said.

"At this point, if you told me that she was your mate, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. That's what this sounds like, Jake," he said and I threw the next skull like a football, going for straight distance, and at its peak, he shot it out of the air, raining skull fragments all over the ground below us.

"Well, even if she is, you gotta chase whatcha wanna catch, she should know that better than anyone else."

"Running from what could potentially be your mate is possibly the shittiest idea you've ever had, and you've had some shitty ideas before. This could end poorly for both of you should you choose to go through with it," I knew that dedication was something that werewolves were commonly known for, they were dedicated to their hunt, almost stubborn, and nothing got in their way, so if I did this, he was right, it was probably going to be the riskiest gamble I've ever done.

"Game," I picked up three skulls on my arm and started spinning to build speed, "Set," I threw them towards the wall, buying Lucifer's attention as he tried to shoot them all down, "Match," I said and disappeared back to my own domain, my mind was set on this gamble, it was risky but so was stealing a tank from the US military, so I was sure I'd be fine. I grabbed my Glock 40 and walked over to the pit, to see Jack already there, shooting at the rapist from the raid.

"Wow, Jack's not perving at Alex? What?" I said and shot stalactite, making it fall on top of the guy, crushing his left leg.

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt, and yeah, asshat, I'm tired as shit, and I wasn't perving the other night."

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