Chapter 21

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Welp, the good news is that we got home in time, the bad news is that I forgot that Alex was there and I was not mentally prepared to answer any of my family's stupid questions. 



"Can you just teleport us up to our room? I'm way too tired to talk to anyone right now," I said and he started laughing, I was always the intimidating one until I got tired, that's when I got more emotional or random, it depended on the mood I was in.

"Yeah, come on let's get you inside, sir sleep a lot," he said and grabbed me by my shoulder, teleporting us up to our room, and giving me an opportunity to fall directly onto my bed. Even when I'm muffled I talk loud enough for people to understand what I'm saying, so I won't spare you the details of having to google a "Muffled bottom to English" translator, you probably wouldn't want that in your search history.

"Get me a Diet Coke, Jack?"

"Yes your highness, would you like anything else?"

"Yes, when you get back just lie down, your thighs are comfier than my pillow," I said, still muffled, and he doubled over laughing because he knew I was right, we were given a curse in disguise...squishy thighs. They were comfy to sleep on but they weren't that intimidating, hence why we don't wear tight-fitting clothes, like at all, outside of when we were home.

"You ain't wrong, lemme grab some chips and a beer too, I'll be back."

"Thank youu~," I muffle yelled at him as he left, and he walked out to go get a beer, but I didn't hear the door close.

"So, this is what the all-powerful Jake, Omega Archdemon, and leader of the most infamous crime family in America, does when he's tired? Lay on his demon's thighs and sleeps?"

"Yes, go fuck yourself," I said, still muffled, I refused to get up because I was tired and my comforter was comfortable on my face.

"Nah, I'll leave that to Jack."

"I'm pretty sure he'd be too shy to do that, you have no idea the extent of his shyness."

"So, he's like you?"

"Yes, but not as intimidating."

"Neither of you are very intimidating, so I believe that," Alex said as Jack entered the room and laid down on the bed next to me, I laid my head on his thighs and he just chuckled at me, I had a feeling that Alex was watching me but I was too tired to care, "imma head to bed as well, enjoy your cuddling boys."

"Fuck you!" We said simultaneously, but I was too tired to move and Jack knew that if he got up and disturbed my sleep I would be grumpy and yell at him. After Alex left, Jack started running his fingers through my hair and locked our door because if it was one thing that we agreed upon it was that no-one could see us being soft. We had a reputation to uphold, of being intimidating and terrifying, not soft and squishy. I fell asleep pretty quickly after that, and woke up back in the same forest that I did a couple of nights ago and, surprise surprise, I was a hell hound again and I walked out into the forest to explore. It was quiet, something I hardly ever got to hear, even though there was nothing to hear, it was still peaceful. I reached the lake and started lapping up some water when I heard the same howling I had heard the first night I woke up here, it was loud and intimidating, but not in a way that made me scared, more intrigued than anything else. I walked back towards the path, assuming, correctly so, that Alex would be walking down the path. I was right and I was a black wolf with electric blue eyes walking down the path, sniffing everywhere and everything, I almost felt bad for the inanimate objects' privacy she was invading, until I remembered that they were inanimate objects. I stepped out from my hiding area in the forest and onto the pathway, my fur wasn't ablaze this time because I had no intention of intimidating her, particularly because she didn't seem like the type to be easily intimidated. She heard me before she saw me and growled in my general direction, 'Do you growl at all your friends like this?' I thought to myself before growling back, 'hypocrite much?' I heard in the back of my head. It was faint and not something I would soon forget, the voice was definitely Alex's, but I didn't understand how she was able to do it, even if we were mates, they aren't able to communicate via a mind link until they've marked each other, and that was different based on what supernatural you were. 

'How are we talking? I thought that-' 

'It's a mate dream, the rules of the normal world don't apply here' 

'I guess that makes sense'

'So, now do my "stalking" and Jack's admiring make sense to you?'

'I guess my friends were right, I owe Derek 20 bucks' 

'That's what you're thinking of?! That you owe someone money??'

'Relax Miss Alpha, I'm joking, it may be a crazy thing to imagine but people like to have a sense of humor' I said smirking, she paced forward and even though I was a hellhound, she was still a bit bigger than me, and I was glad that I had worked on keeping my mouth shut. She licked my face and I glared at her, I didn't show emotions usually but her affection was attempting to break that rule.

'Be shy, it's cute'

'I will fucking fight you'

'You'll lose, Jakey'


'Why? Does it make you shy, Jakey?' 


'Okay okay, I'll stop now' she said and booped my nose with hers, and I had a hard time taking her seriously, that was funny. That's when I was rushed awake by Jack and Johnny, they were dressed in the gear that they said they were gonna wear for the heist, so I looked over at the clock, and sure enough, it was go time. 

"Gimme 5 minutes, Jack: Get my guns and put them in my bag, then put them in my seat, Johnny: Get everyone else ready, it's time we give San Antonio a show they won't soon forget," I said and they left to do as I instructed and I started getting dressed, jeans, leather jacket, aviators, and hair that would kill, yep, being me was definitely a curse. I looked at myself in the mirror and all my insecurities and self hate washed away, 'Go get 'em tiger' I remembered my dad would always tell me before I got in a fight. I didn't like my dad on some things, but he always knew how to get me ready to kick some ass, 'Thanks old man' I thought as I left to go meet everyone else downstairs. Alex was leaning against the doorway, half listening to what Johnny was saying, while everyone else paid direct attention. 

"Jack, you wanna grab some sodas on the way there?"

"What is with you two and always drinking soda while we're working?" 

"Stuff, and things, also fuck you," Jack said and grabbed the keys to our truck, "Meet us at the intersection across from the bank, let's go, Jake, I'm driving!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" I said and chased him towards the truck, we both knew that whoever plugged the keys in the ignition got driving rights, so I had to get the keys in the ignition before he did, which, unfortunately, was easy on his part because he was taller than me by a wide margin. When he got to the car he stuck his arm out and held me back from getting the keys from him, that was the one thing I hated about being short.


"You love me," he said and got in the driver's seat, and nodded his head towards the passenger seat. I got in my seat and put our favorite CD in to listen to on the way, singing along to the songs like a couple of idiots, but it was fun. When we got to the gas station we both used our punch cards to get a free drink and on our way out, reminded the owner of what was to happen in about twenty minutes, they insisted that their shop would be closed by then and that the only reason that they were open in the first place was to give us our sodas. 

"Thanks, my man, c' mon Jack, let's go have some fun."

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