Chapter 30

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I walked up to my room, Nicki and Jack tailing me asking all kinds of questions ranging from "Did you have fun?" to "Do you think you'll have another one soon? Or better?".

"Let me at least get a soda, y'all, I need caffeine before I answer questions," I said as we got to my room, I knew there wasn't a point in trying to get them to leave me be, they were determined to find out as much as they could about what happened, regardless of whether or not I was comfortable with talking about it. So, I got a two liter of Big Red out of the fridge next to my bed, poured some Lucifer's cola mix into a 52 oz cup, added some ice, and filled it with the soda, I needed as much caffeine as I could get.

"Okay, let's start simple, yeah? Nothing to overwhelm you. How did it go and did you have fun?"

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun, throwing some fuckwit into oncoming traffic was a nice touch and we talked for a solid couple of hours about random shit. We-"

"Wait wait wait, what the actual fuck?! Who'd you throw into traffic?! And why?!"

"Bar fight."

"Did you start a fight again?! I swear, you and Jade-"

"Nicki, hold up," Jack interrupted, and pointed at my face, then lifted my shirt and gestured to it as well, "There's not a bruise in sight, I'm pretty sure he just ended a fight that already started, relax. Continue, Jake."

"Well, we talked about music, and movies, and video games, and we ended up singing along to a couple of Panic songs on the drive back, she actually covered the lower end of the notes really well," I said giggling, she was really good at the lyrics she sang, and it reminded me of when Jade and I used to do sing alongs during barbecues. 

"Did she ask you on another date or were y'all just talking about the then and there?"

"She didn't ask for a second one, but I wasn't really thinking about that until you brought it up, I'd rather go to like a gun range, or something like that for a date than that bar again. It's a nice place but guns are so much better than bar fights," I said, taking a sip out of my cup before pulling my jacket and beanie off and throwing my hoodie on, it gave me a sort of pseudo confidence that helped me out in these kinds of situations. 

"You would literally go to a gun range to get married, Jakey, that's not saying a lot."

"She's not wrong, mate, I'm pretty sure that every time it's been your birthday you've spent at least the first half at a range."

"Yeah, because it's fun as all hell."

"Not as fun as cuddling and watching TV shows or video game let's plays with your mate," Nicki said with a wink, making me pull my hood up and look in the opposite direction. Anything resembling physical affection made me shy as all hell, and she knew and abused the hell out of that, almost as badly as Jade did but Jade was more up front about it than Nicki. Just when I thought shit couldn't get any more embarrassing for me, Johnny walked into my room, shut the door and sat next to Nicki with a face that said "Go on, I'm listening". 

"Let me guess, you want to hear about tonight too. Why am I not surprised?"

"Because I'm your best friend, and I care about you."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, JJ. They're basically interrogating me so if you have questions go ahead and join the bandwagon."

"Do you now acknowledge you have a mate and that she cares about you?" 'Of course, that's the first question JJ asks me'

"Yes to the first part...and I'm not so sure about the second part."


"It's a bit soon to declare for certain whether or not she cares about me, don't ya think? It'd be like buying a gun and immediately shooting it, not taking the time to fill extra mags or to customize it a bit to your liking. I'm going to wait like a couple more weeks to decide if I can tell if she cares about me...but I think she does."

"Does she swear like you?" Jack always knew the important questions to ask, nobody thought like me more than he did.

"Yeah, she swore but not as frequently as I do, sorry Jack."

"Damn, well, at least she does swear."

"Wait, is she politically correct?" JJ asked, he was the political junky among us, kinda like me but more so.

"I...i don't know actually, I'll have to ask her next time I see her," I said and immediately regretted it, because Nicki and Johnny both started cooing.

"So, you do wanna see her again! Awww."

"I'm gonna slap you Johnny, I swear I will."

"Thanks but I already have Derek to do that, bud," He said, and it took every ounce of self control not to make him fall through the seven circles of hell.

"Shut up, fuckwit."

"Your insults mean nothing, Jakey, I'm immune to your bullshit," he said cockily, we kept talking for about an hour, me answering questions and drinking enough caffeine to kill a twenty year old human...easily. After about an hour, they left to go do lord knows what with their mates, and Jack and I passed out, knowing I wasn't gonna be in hell immediately I told him I'd see him later.

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