Chapter 28

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"I solemnly swear I'll be good...that just doesn't roll off the tongue as well as the original though, I wanna be up to no good."

"Go back home and get some clean clothes on, I'm taking you to dinner."

"Wait, w-what?"

"You heard me," She said and got really close to my face, and in almost a mumble, "See ya in an hour."

"A-alright then," I said as she shifted and ran off in the opposite direction..."What the actual fuck just happened?!"

"You got asked out on a date, Jacob," Jack said from behind me, I was still on edge and nearly jumped out of my skin.

"You're a piece of shit and you know it!" I said, trying to catch my breath, it wasn't often that I was caught off guard, but when it did it was mostly Jack and that made me want to punch him.

"Come on, let's get you ready. You're not chickening out here."

"Go fuck yourself," I said, opening a portal to my room and deciding on what to wear, it was either a clean hoodie and jeans, or my leather jacket, beanie, and jeans. 

"Go with the beanie, Jakey," I heard behind me, whipped around and sure enough, it was Nicki who somehow knew what I was thinking about, "You always look adorable when you wear it, Alex will love it."

"I'm not adorable! But that was what I was thinking, I just wasn't entirely sure about it," I said, and threw on my jacket and beanie, to see how it looked.

"See? Forget a snack or even a meal, you're an entire buffet," She said, and took a picture of me, that made me panic.

"Who are you sending that to!?"

"No one, don't worry about it," She said as she sent the text to whoever was on the receiving end.

"I swear to god, Nicki, I will punch you one of these days...or Jade, and she'll take the punch on your behalf."

"No you won't, you love us."

"That doesn't mean I won't punch you," I replied as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, Nicki smirked at it and nodded at me, hinting that I should check who it was, "I swear to Satan himself." I opened my phone and sure enough, it was a text from Alex, and when I looked up Nicki was no where to be seen.

'You look adorable, wear that. ' She had sent, and I was caught between being a fire truck red from blushing and the same red from being mad. I fell back on my bed and groaned into my hat, 'What have I gotten myself into?'

"You're starting to open up, Jake," Johnny said, leaning against my door frame, and it took every ounce of self control to not throw a balled up piece of paper at him.


"You know what. You're getting anxious about your date with Alex, it's because for one, and the most obvious, she's your mate; but more importantly, two, you've never really had someone reliably by your side in the same way that a mate is, you've had Jack but he's more like a part of you than anything else. You're probably worried about messing stuff up, and I don't blame you, it was what was making me scared of going out with Derek, but look how it turned out," He said, raising his hand to show off his ring, he hadn't stopped grinning about giggling about it since he got it, and honestly it was really wholesome to see one of my best friends so happy.

"Shut it, ya weeb, I'm not anxious."

"Oh really?" He said, and sat next to me on my bed, grabbed my hand that I was only just now noticing was shaking the entire time, "Shaking hands, bouncing legs, you're anxious and that's fine, but don't let it control you, get some coke when you go to the restaurant or wherever she's taking you and just have fun." 


"I'm gonna punch her one of these days, JJ, I swear," I said as we both laughed, Jack met me at the bottom of the stairs and we walked outside, and there she was. Leaning against a pickup, she had a leather jacket on and jeans, with black boots on so that she was an additional 2 inches taller than me.

"You had to wear boots too? Just to be even taller than me? That one inch wasn't enough?" I asked, a little annoyed at her smirk as I asked, and she just winked at me...I was half tempted to just say fuck it and walk back inside.

"I like being taller than you, you're cute when you're shorter."

"I'm not that short, shut up," I said, she opened up the other side door and that caught me off guard again, Jack waved me goodbye and whispered something in Alex's ear before vanishing back to hell. 'I'm going to kill you Jack, I swear' Alex got in the car and put a CD in before staring the car and driving off, and to my surprise, the music was Fall Out Boy, one of their newer songs to be specific. 

"So, where are we going? Also, is this secretly a plot to murder me?" She laughed at that before, shaking her head and answering my questions.

"We're going to a sports bar I know, it's a quiet little place so we'd be able to talk while watching football; and no, I'm not trying to kill you, believe it or not I do actually care about you."

"Hey, it wouldn't have been the first time someone tried to get close to me only to try and kill me, it's a long story though."

"Save it for the bar, I'd need food to actually pay attention."

One of my favorite songs from the Mania album started playing, and under my breath I was singing along to the song because it was one of the easiest ways for me to destress, if I don't count caffeine. After a little while the song got to the best part and I didn't realize I was full on singing the song, until the song ended and Alex commented on me singing.

"I guess music helps you relax, huh?"

"Yeah, it's the second best way for me to destress."

"What's the best way?"

"Drinking enough caffeine to make my hands shake, it makes me focus on literally anything other than what I was stressing about."

"You worry me sometimes, ya know that?" I laughed at that and nodded my head, almost everyone I knew worried about my "addiction" to caffeine. It wasn't that bad and I've had several periods where I didn't have caffeine, it's just the easiest way for me to destress after a long day; but people didn't consider that and only focused on the fact that I had a lot of caffeine nearly daily. 

"I'll be fine, it's not that bad of a situation, people just don't realize that I don't need it, and I know I don't need it, so when I don't have a lot of caffeine and get stressed they assume it's withdrawals, which makes it worse."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but we're here. Let's talk about it more inside," She said, and when I got out of the car I realized that we were at the same place that we had met, Shane's Burger Joint.

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