Chapter 31

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"Well well well, look who it is," I heard from behind me as I woke up in the mate link at the bench, Alex was sitting on the bench sprawled out like an alpha, trying to take up as much space as possible, while watching me like a hawk.

"I don't know why you're staring at me like that, I'm not edible."

"You may not be food, but you are definitely a snack, little one," 'WHY!?' I thought as I averted my eyes from her, trying to not recognize my blush. I hate when I blush, I look so goofy and weird. 

"Shush!" I kinda yelled, not letting her see my shy side...I thought.

"Nah, I like seeing you all shy, it's cute," She said as she stood up, walking towards the lake, part of me wanted to run into the water to make a splash.

"You know, I could do one thing and get you drenched."

"Is that your way of saying you can make me wet?"

"Alex!!" I yelled and decided I was gonna run into the lake, I didn't bother taking my shirt or hoodie off, just ran and jumped in. Consequently, I did get Alex covered in water, and when I surfaced she was doubled over laughing.

"Remind me to not tell you to make me wet next to a lake again, Jake," I dunked myself back under the water so she couldn't see my red face, I hope this isn't a norm for her. I couldn't be a crime lord while having someone be able to make me shy at the snap of a finger, I hated being shy. When I came back up for air, she had calmed down and was sitting there waiting for me, "You're so easy to fluster, hun."

"It's not my fault! You can't keep making me blush and then give me shit for blushing."

"I'm not giving you shit, I love being able to make you shy when in the real world you're a tough guy. You can go from ripping someones throat out to being putty in my hands in a split second. It's nice," I was probably blushing but I couldn't deny the truth in her words, I was normally a tough, sarcastic fuck-wit, but when we talked I was able to talk easier, and blushed like a kid being called cute. I walked out of the lake and shook my entire body and head to get some of the water off of me, and Alex got covered in even more water.

"God dammit, Jake!" Alex said through fits of laughter, "This isn't what I meant when I said 'wet'."

"Shush!" I said and sat on the bench, laying my feet on Alex's lap. 

"I had fun tonight, thank you for going with me."

"It's not like I had a choice, but I had fun too, thank you for taking me," I said, and smiled at her, earning a smile back.

"What's your plans for tomorrow?"

"I'm probably gonna sleep in, maybe play some video games," I said while staring off at the stars, "What about you?"

"I have a pack meeting tomorrow, we're gonna be talking about my mate for the first bit, then plan some pack events, and some other stuff," What confused me to hell and back was that she needed to talk about the whole mate thing.

"Why do you need to talk about me?"

"An alpha has to be honest with their pack, and show transparency. An alpha is a leader and is expected to communicate with their pack members."

"Fuck that, just tell them you found your mate then move on," I said, in all actuality the reason wasn't  because I didn't want someone talking about me, because I had told my family about her; I just didn't want her to make it seem like I was a teddy bear, which I wasn't. I'm literally the spawn of hell itself. 

"I can't do that, it's important for an alpha to remain transparent. I promise I won't talk about anything that would make you shy, I will just tell them who you are and how we met." 

"Okay, thank you, Alex. Don't bring up the heist though, don't want you to take the blame nor the credit for my hard work."

"Okay, little one," She said and leaned down to kiss my cheek, and that made me blush. Physical affection in general always made me shy, and even more so when my shyness was pointed out, but this was different.

"If I go out tomorrow, to go to a gun range or something, you wanna join me?"

"Maybe, it depends on what I'm working on at the time."

"Okay," I said and stood up to stretch, only to get tackled into the water. We swam and played around in the water for a bit before we got out and dried off.

"I gotta go, hun, talk later," She said and kissed my forehead, making me blush again.

"O-okay, have a nice night," I said and started to wake up in hell, with a wave back to Alex.

"Have fun in the link, kid?"

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