Chapter 14

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"Hey, Jake, how's it going?"

"Not bad, man, not bad at all," I said as I gave Mason, the owner of the gas station I went to every time I wanted a soda, the cash to pay for my drink "How's life treatin' ya?"

"Pretty good, I heard about Derek's proposal idea, need any help?"

"Mate, all I know is that I'm supposed to take Johnny somewhere, so I'm not the best person to ask." 

"I'll call Derek later and ask him then, I heard about Alex by the way, you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to tickle it out of you?"

"You try and tickle me and I will mount your head on a pike," I said and pointed at him threateningly, he laughed it off and waved goodbye as I left, I waved to his boyfriend, got in my pickup and drove off. 'Where to next...where to...' I thought, trying to think of what to do to pass the time, it had been a while since I had the time to be by myself for once. I got on the road and decided to go to the Alamo, walk around a little bit and admire the building. So I got on the I-10 and put a CD in to listen to something on my way there, singing along to the lyrics and occasionally sticking my head out the window because no-one could tell me otherwise.

I pulled into the Alamo Plaza and parked across the street from the Alamo itself, there weren't a ton of people outside so it was peaceful and quiet. 'Alamo first, ice cream second' I thought to myself as I walked towards the entrance, it was nice to be able to remember the times I had been here with family and old friends, it was peaceful and calm, I liked it. I got inside and walked through the church and into the main courtyard, I passed a big cannon and remembered when I was a kid, my dad took me to the Alamo and I had never been, so when I saw the cannons I had the glorious idea of climbing on top of them, I still have a picture of it to this day. Passing through the courtyard I walked towards the center where there was a big tree, I had always been tempted to climb to the top of it, but there was either too many people or something else happened that got in the I started climbing. I got about halfway up and sat down on one of the branches and admired the view, it was nice and quiet, and the view was spectacular, so much so that I could see the people riding in horse-drawn carriages. 'I wonder if they can see me' I thought climbing down, I walked back inside the church, and saw that there was no-one inside, so I did what I always wanted to do.

"FUCK!" I yelled, hearing the echo I started giggling like a twelve-year-old and continued admiring the building. 

After walking around the Alamo for an hour or two, I left the area and walked towards the plaza, there were restaurants and game places everywhere, I didn't like it but didn't care enough to do anything about it. I walked over to a restaurant I knew had good food, Speak of the devil, and sat down in the back.

"Hey, Jake!" One of the servers, Lilly, walked over and brought a diet cola with her.

"What's up, Lils? How ya doin'?" I said and took the drink from her hand, she was a nice person and I had been here enough that she knew what I liked to drink without me having to ask.

"Pretty good, Michael is getting back from his trip tomorrow and I'm really excited to see him."

"Him? Or his dick? Wink wink," I said and received a slap to the face, I deserved it but I had no regrets.

"...Both, but don't tell Michael that."

"I make no promises," I said and we laughed, I told her what I wanted to eat and she took my order back to the kitchen before grabbing a chair and sitting across from me.

"I heard about Alex, Jakey."

"Lucifer's balls, does everyone?" She laughed at that, stuck her tongue out at me, and denied my suspicions.

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