Chapter 33

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"Why?! Let the kid live a little, Nicki," I said as we walked into the kitchen, Nicki had basically been charged with raising the kid, and she did a pretty good job of melding us with human society to him so I couldn't say she did a bad job. After all, he can go from setting an entire field ablaze to haggling prices on a stingy businessman, all thanks to Nicki. The only problem was when she got in my way of letting the kid have some fun, like taking him for a joyride in a tank, or going hunting with a rocket launcher. 

"Do you really think it would be a good idea to let a kid who's age is lower then your IQ go joyriding in a cop car?"

"Yes...that's like the whole point. I teach him how to drive, and I get to raise a little bit of hell."

"There is no way-"

"Hi baby," That was the jackpot, Jade had been interested in letting the kid go joyriding and was the key to getting away with this. If anyone could get Nicki to let the kid have some fun, it would be Jade and only Jade.

"Jade, you're not convincing me to let Jake take Jay for a joyride."

"Is that so? You don't think I could convince you otherwise?" Jade was a master at getting what she wanted from Nicki, even if she didn't always like the outcome, Jade never abused that power.

"I don't want him to get hurt, the last thing I need is to get a phone call that a ten year old is in tears because he lost his arm."

"THAT WAS ONE TIME, AND IT WAS NOT MY FAULT!" Jack yelled, which was not uncommon considering the circumstances. After I had first turned, Jack had taken me out the test out what I could do, and in a serious of confusing events including a giraffe, a margarita, and a tank, I had ended the night with a crushed arm. To this day he likes to say that it wasn't his fault, because 'How was he supposed to know that the giraffes kicked so hard?' but it was totally his fault.

"If you can keep these two in check, then you can take Jay to teach him how to drive, but no stolen cars!"

"I will not allow them to steal any cars, and will make sure that Jay is taught how to drive safely and edumacationally," She said with fingers crossed in her hoodie, edumacationally was an inside joke that the four of us had since I was in my senior year of high school. Basically, I was asked to think of a word that meant "Relating to education" but I couldn't think of anything until I said educationally, but Nicki thought I had said edumacationally and it stuck ever since. 

"Alright, thank you, Jade, bring home Jay in one piece, and alive preferably. Jake and Jack, if I find out y'all had taken Jay for a joyride, you two are dead."

"Okay mom~," We half groaned as we headed towards Jay's room, which was just down the hall from Nicki's.

"Jade, after you?" I said, and Jade took the hint to knock on his door. Jade was the closest one to Jay aside from myself and Nicki, because Jay was hesitant to talk to others out of mistrust. I could understand that, if I had been in the same situation I wouldn't have trusted anyone, probably would have just ran and hid or some shit. 

"Hey Jay, how ya doin' buddy?" She asked as she entered his room, Jay was sprawled out on his bed and looked out of breath, that told me everything I needed to know.

"Jay, were you eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't."

"Where were you hiding then? I didn't see or hear you," I asked, he seemed to have a knack for getting into places he wasn't supposed to be, which could be a good or bad thing depending on who you are.

"I was hiding in the vent beside y'all, the ventilation system goes all across this place," He said, and pulled out what looked like blueprints to the building that we had made into our home. He pointed to one specific vent system, and explained how it connects to other ventilation system.

"How do you not get hurt by the fans or something when it's running?"

"I can shift into this like cloud of smoke, and move around without making sounds and if I try hard enough, without being seen."

"Show us," Jack said and sure enough, Jay looked almost as if he was disintegrating, and after a minute there was a cloud of smoke in front of us. He moved around and eventually into the vent, I led Jack and Jade to the living room, where the other vent was, and sure enough Jay was sitting on the couch as his normal self.

"JJ, you have got to show me how to do that dude, that's amazing."

"Yeah, but now isn't the time, we promised we'd teach him to drive."

"I know, Jack, JJ grab your jacket and meet us out front. We're gonna show you some things, and teach you how to drive...and maybe how to steal a car," I said, ignoring the glare from Jade, and led Jack out front, he knew the plan but Jade didn't.

"So, what makes you think that Jade will let you steal a car with Jay?"

"I'll figure something out, I don't want the kid to grow up with not a hint of knowledge in car theft, I knew how to steal a car even before I was hell spawn," I said as Jade and Jay met us outside, Jay looked excited but Jade looked annoyed.

"If I get yelled at by Nicki for letting you st-"

"Nicki won't find out, we're going to do it somewhere that isn't even close to here, the middle of hell, nowhere...Detroit," She looked like she was contemplating the idea, and eventually realized that the amount of crime in Detroit was basically a shield, Nicki wouldn't know about it because crime is so common, and we wouldn't get in trouble because crime is so common.

"Jack, take us to hell...and then to hell on earth."

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