Chapter 18

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I woke up, not in hell, but in a dream which shocked me enough, because demons don't usually have dreams, they wake up in hell when they fall asleep, but what was weirder was that it was just me, and I was already in my altered form. I was on all fours, paws with fire for fur, and balls of fire for eyes, I was a hellhound. This was by far my favorite form to take, even if I only took it on rare occasions which is probably why I loved it, because it hurt to shift into it, so I barked out into the night sky, feeling satisfaction over disturbing the creepy silence. I heard howling somewhere behind me, and I didn't want to stick around long enough to find out what it was, so I took off running towards the forest and got far enough in so that I couldn't hear the howling anymore. I walked to a small pool of water and started lapping up some water, that's when I heard the howling again, it was closer but still far away that it wasn't in the forest, so I let my curiosity take over and walked carefully towards the edge of the trees, I willed my fur to calm down, and lied down with my face on lying on my paws. A large black wolf was walking down the trail, I watched as it did and it looked like it was either confused or that it was looking for something. It suddenly looked in my general direction, freezing me in place, and I couldn't tell if it saw me or not so I sat still and after a couple of minutes that felt like an hour, it continued walking down the path. My curiosity got the better of me, and I riled myself back up to get my fur back ablaze and walked out of the forest onto the path, catching the wolf's attention. It turned around, I saw it had lightning blue eyes, and judging off of the size and stature it was an alpha, but I couldn't tell if it was a guy or gal. It growled at me in an attempt to assert dominance over me, and if it was my mate it might've worked, but I wasn't of age, so I didn't know if it was or wasn't, so it wouldn't work. I growled back and my fur was at a peak of heat, white fur instead of red or orange, making me look more dangerous, but the wolf didn't back down. Instead, it tried to reassert its dominance and continued to fail, nobody can tame on omega, especially not one that can shift to a hellhound. I barked at it and felt like it might lunge at me before I shot up in bed, breathing heavily with Jack looking at me like I was on some kind of drug.

"What. The fuck. Was that?"

"I...I don't know."


"I guess?"

"Tell me," He said and sat down in front of me, I started explaining the dream, and when I told him about the wolf he asked me for details on the wolf itself. I explained what it looked like, how tall it was, what it did, and what I believed it was going to do. When I finished he looked like I had just told him an ancient myth of Nordic times, in Spanish, while riding a unicycle.  

"How many days do you have until you turn twenty-one?"

"Well seeing as the heist is..." I looked over at the clock and saw that it was midnight, making it a new day "tomorrow, the next day is Derek's proposal, and then I turn twenty-one the next day." 

"I think I know what happened...I'm going to go talk to Jade and Derek for a little bit, try and fall back asleep, alright?"

"Yeah...yeah alright, see ya in the morning, old timer."

"Night, fucker," he said and walked towards the door, he left the room towards Jade's room, and I pulled my jacket around myself to try and steady my breathing, and after a while, I fell back asleep and woke up in hell, where I belonged. I sat down in my chair and rested my face in my hands, trying to steady my breathing more, and after a while, I was able to stop hyperventilating and focus on what had happened. I couldn't piece anything together and after a while, I gave up and walked over to the pit, and saw that almost everyone was still recovering, except for my ex.

"So, little dick, I heard you had a nightmare?"

"One, shut up, and two, how did you know?"

"You weren't here when you normally are, and your breathing was faster than my dick in your ass," He said smirking, I wasn't putting up with any of his bull shit tonight, so I put my hand on the lever he knew all too well and stopped smirking, "STOP! I'LL SHUT UP!"

"Why do you care if I had a nightmare?" 

"From the sounds of it, it wasn't just a nightmare. Jack was in here before you and said he felt something wrong, with you to be specific."

"Yeah...whatever it was it wasn't normal," I said as Jack fell asleep and started walking towards us, he looked like he was hiding something, I would make sure to question him later.

"Maybe, it was your mate?"


"I'm just saying, I don't have any ideas about what the dream was like, but seeing as what mate dreams are like, and seeing as how big of a pussy you are, it wouldn't surprise me if-" He started and I pulled the lever, dumping metric tons of thermite into the pit. 

"THIS IS GONNA HURT, ASSHOLE!" Jack yelled beside me and threw a ball of white fire at the pile of thermite, creating possibly the biggest fireball in the history of fireballs, and as it faded away I looked into the pit to see him writhing in pain. I almost felt bad for him...keyword almost, but I turned to Jack who had the biggest grin on his face I'd ever seen.

"I can't tell if you're giving me your joker impression, or you're really excited about something, but either way I'm intrigued."

"I'll tell you tomorrow, along with everyone else, and don't beg, because I'm not telling."

"Please, Jack?" I said and quivered my lip a little bit, trying to imitate a puppy, I was good at it too. We both had a soft spot for puppies, so much so that one day when we were walking around near the Alamo Plaza, we saw an adoption store and went inside to see the puppies, and we spent at least three hours playing with the puppies and dogs there. 


"Would you still say no if I showed you...puppies!?" I said and showed him a video of a Rottweiler puppy playing in the snow, and I knew that Jack was trying his best not to let it have an effect on him.

"Nope, not going to work, Jake, you're going to have to wait."

"Fine~," I said with an exasperated sigh, I walked over to where the hellhounds stayed during the night and I saw that Jameson was still awake, and walked over to me.

"Hey, boy, what're you doing still up?" I asked as he walked up and started licking my face, he was a hellhound but he was such a softy, he wouldn't hurt a fly...unless it was a rapist fly. He spun around in circles, chasing his tail, before picking up a bone and dropping it in front of me, when does he not want me to play fetch with him. I picked up the bone and chucked it as far as I could, he took off like a bullet out of a gun chasing down the stick, it was cute. He brought it back and I handed the bone to Jack who waved it in front of Jameson's face to get his attention before throwing it in the general direction of Satan's castle, and off went James.

"You sure you won't tell me what it is?"

"Yes! You're going to have to wait, as much as it's annoying, besides it still won't matter until you turn twenty-one, so relax, it won't kill you to be patient."

"It will though, I'll die from impatience and anxiety to know what you're hiding," I said as Jameson ran back with the bone in his mouth, I took it out and scratched his ears, earning a growl to throw the bone, "Alright, alright, geez," I said and threw the bone again, he was a very impatient hell hound, kind of like me. 

"We gotta get up soon, mate, we got planning to do and dreams to talk about," Jack said pointing at the clock, it read eight thirty, so I told him to go ahead, I wanted to say goodbye to Jameson. Just as Jack woke up, Jameson came bounding back and dropped the bone in front of me, I scratched him behind his ears and told him that I had to go, before I threw the bone one last time and walked to my bed, I needed to wake up because Jack was right, today was gonna be one hell of a day.

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