Chapter 1: New beginnings

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*Hermione P.O.V* A/N I'm going to hell but YOU are also reading this so see you there motherfucker


I sighed with happiness as I boarded the train with Harry, Ron, Ginny and Luna.

I recounted what had happened over the past year in my head. It was a lot to take in. Surprisingly, after the battle of hogwarts, majority of students remained. The school has been brought back to life with the help of a lil' something called magic.

We all stayed together and met up every 3 days in the Burrow or an outing to get our mind off what happened and everyone and everything we lost. It still burns my heart, thinking of Fred, Remus, Tonks and the others.

I looked around our carriage that was filled with chatter and laughter, remembering simpler days where the only problems we had where potions exams and Prof. Snape's lectures.

We had all grown so much over the past couple months. It was difficult for Ginny and Ron, who lost their brother, and Harry, who lost Remus, Sirius and Dumbledore, all for a fight.

I looked over my own life. I had cast a spell on my parents that reversed the obliviate and they knew everything without me telling them so we freely talked about magic and stuff like it was a normal conversation. I missed this. My old life, my home, my mother and father.

Things stayed the same between all of us except me and Ron. We drifted apart after the battle. I don't know why, Ron didn't want to be around me. Whenever I tried to talk to him about it, he would pull the "I'm still mourning". I would normally be pitiful because Fred was my brother almost as he was Ron's, but I know it's not that because he only acts like this near me and he is so cheerful all the time, and it's not fake cheerfulness because I checked.

I remember the days in the burrow when the twins convinced me to prank the family. It was so exciting. I loved the thrill of running after the prank. The wounds in my scarred heart could never and will never be healed. Ever.

"Hey MiMi you okay?" Ginny asked calmly. I grimaced at the name. Although my close friends called me Mione, Ginny pouted and said she wanted to and I quote "Stand out like a silver bead in green beads".

The carriage snickered at the name and smiled internally.

Ladies and gents I give to you my best friends.

"Don't call me that GiGi" I mocked.

"Children, play nice" Harry scolded playfully.

We childishly stuck our tongues out at each other and Luna chuckled.

"You know, nargles do that when they want to wage war" she said as-a-matter-of-factly.

We stuck our tongues back out and Luna laughed at our antics.

Suddenly, there was thud on our window. It was the cart again. Filled with the best sweets. I immediately opened the door and walked to it.

"Hello dearie" greeted the lady. "What would you like to have?" She asked politely.

"A chocolate frog please" I replied.

Ahhh, chocolate. The love of my life. It's like the king of desserts, and it ain't even considered a dessert.

I stopped when I felt a familiar pair of strong hands encircled my waist.

"Don't eat too much Mudblood, it shows on your face" a cold voice whispered in my ear.

I shrieked in surprise only to turn and see the devil himself with an amused smirk.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I said calmly.

Oh god. I feel a headache coming on.

"Why aren't you happy to see me" he said sarcastically. The nerve of this boy.

"Not after you betrayed everyone. I always knew you were cold and heartless" I spat.

Something flickered in his eyes and his once amused expression was filled with sadness, anger and...something else.

I immediately regretted what I said and I knew he saw the guilt in my eyes because he said:

"Do you really mean half the things you say or is your pride getting the better of you?

He was right, it was. But he wasn't going to know that.

"See you around Granger" he whispered.

I stood there for a few minutes with my chocolate frog, just thinking.

I walked over to my carriage and sat down.

What have I done?

Hello fellow humans, its meeeeeee.
I'm sorry, it was short but I mean, come on, have mercy on mah soul. It's the first chapter, so chill.

Make sure to check out my other books on my other account.

Adios my loyal subjects.

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