Chapter 4: I'm sorry

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Hermione P.O.V

I stood up in Magonagols office and walked straight out. How could he say that? What had I ever done to him for him to do this? Thousands of questions were swirling in my head. I looked back and didn't see anyone.

He wasn't even coming to apologise!

I can't believe him. I found a small pillar and hid behind it , waiting to see if he would show.

After a couple minutes, he walked out of her office with a causal look, like nothing ever even happened. How dare he.

I was so broken. I listened to him ramble on and on about how ugly, stupid and crappy I was and the worst part is that I believed it all.

Every insult, every word.

At the end of his cruel and merciless  rant, he looked up and guilt swarmed his features.

Too late now.

I felt so shattered. No one had ever said that.

I didn't realise I was crying until he went to wipe the tear.

He couldn't see me weak, it would make another excuse to laugh and mock me. I had to be strong, stand strong and pretend all those things he said about me, my looks and my family didn't matter.

"Herm-" he started softly but it was over.

Nothing he says now or in the future could ever  make me forgive him. Ever.

Then I said my final words and left.

I didn't know where to go now. Harry would understand, Ginny would and so would Luna.

But right now I needed only one person. Someone I knew would be there for me regardless if I had killed his entire family. Someone who could stand in the face of injustice and fight for the victim even if the bully was their best friend.

I knocked on Blaise's form and after a few seconds he opened the door.

It took him one glance at my distraught appearance for him to pull me into a hug.

I leaned onto his shoulder and he wrapped his hands around my waist comfortingly.

"Oh Mione, it's okay." He cooed.

He quickly pulled me inside and  sat me down. Then a glass of water appeared in his hands and he gave it to me.

I chugged it down, and my soul with it.

Ok now I'm being dramatic.

"From the top, I won't judge" he said calmly.

So I did. Every single detail, from the train all the way to a five minutes ago.

Blaise listened to everything I said patiently and gave me his shoulder to cry on in the end.

"Hermione it's okay, don't believe anything he said, it's not true and don't convince yourself otherwise. You are strong beautiful and kind. Of all people you least deserve this. I will personally talk to him and if he refuses to apologise I will chop his head off and shove in into his intestines. I don't care if he's my best friend since I was eleven. Do I make myself clear?" He said kindly.

He looked at me with such pity that I thought his kindness would kill me.

I nodded my head to show him that I understood.

"Great. Now i really don't th-" he started but I interrupted and asked him a question.

"Do you think my parents would disown me if they knew I was a filthy, lying and stupid wizard?" I asked.

He froze on the spot.

Clearly I had hit him.

He stammered for a minute or two. He looked so shocked I had said that.

"I-i- M-ione I don't-t think-" he began.

But hearing him, my one true deep down loyal friend doubt the truth over that question broke me. Something just snapped inside.

I had a break down and started sobbing and crying for over half and hour. Blaise sat there, my head in his hands and him whispering soothing things calmed me down.

At that moment, the devil walked in.

"Aye Bl-" Malfoy started before noticing me.

He stopped, sucked in a breath, and took in my condition. Time seemed to stand still as he looked into my bloodshot eyes. His face was contorted with guilt, regret and self hate.

I don't care if he apologises now. It will be worthless to me. It means as much to me as a stranger having pity on me.

I didn't want it or need it.

"Hermione" he whispered gently.

My eyes slightly widened at his tone. Where was the ruthlessness? The hate? The rage and the smugness? Where did that smirk go?

"Leave" Blaise commanded. I was shocked at his voice. So cold, like he had never met this man in his life.

"You're my best friend, not hers!" He screeched.

"The things you said, you know what it all means to me, those insults. I can't believe you would do such a thing." He said, his normally gentle voice laced with hate and disgust.

Draco opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again when he looked at me.

He left and so did I a couple minutes later after talking to Blaise.

As I exited the room, he softly grabbed my hand and encased it around both of his own.

I tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. I had tears in my eyes as I looked at him.

He looked broken and lost, just like he was before the war.

He pulled me in slightly, careful not to make us too close, and kissed my knuckles while maintaining eye contact.

"Mione listen i-"he started.

"Granger to you." I responded monotonously.

"It's Mione to me. I'm sorry okay? Please...look at me, I won't hurt you." He pleaded.

I stayed silent.

His voice was soft and begging. Who is he and what has he done with Malfoy?

"Please, Mione?" He begged.

I took a breath and repeated "Granger to you"

Then I walked away and never looked back.

I can't thank you guys enough for reading this. Even if it's like two people or makes me happy knowing someone cares. I just *breaks down crying*

Adios potatoes

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