Chapter 18: Fights

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Draco's P.O.V

"Oh sure you do!" Hermione yelled at me.

"I do care! I was saw you cry, I saw your happiness and your anger and your fear and your everything! I helped you through it, don't even try to deny that! And what did you do? You went running back to Ronny Wonny!" I yelled right back at her.

Hermione and I have been arguing ever since we got up. She's mad about what I said, and I agree, it was shitty, but it's not like I meant it.

"Like you didn't go running back to Pansy Wansy. Yeah don't think I forgot that! So fuck you!" she retorted and I took a step closer to her. Silence.

"I didn't!" I exclaimed in frustration, still taking steps towards her.

"Oh I'm sorry, that wasn't you? No I remember, it was your fucking body double, right? How silly of me!" She said sarcastically.

"I didn't make out with her on purpose! She fucking used poly juice to make it look like you!" I said loudly. By now we were a few steps away from each other. I took one step forward.

"Uh huh. I'm listening. Let me guess, she also owns a horse, her boyfriends an elephant and fell in love with a orange zebra named fish?" She said and I huffed, taking another step forward.

"Oh for the love of god keep the sarcasm toned, will you? And also, it isn't my fault you're jealous!" I said angrily. I immediately regretted ever bringing it up.

"I'm jealous huh? Says the guy who goes red in the face when I even mention talking to Blaise!" She shouted back. Another step forward. Now we were literally in front of each other, still yelling though.

"I am not jealous!" I lied. I was. I was very jealous. So, so, so incredibly jealous.

"Do want to test that theory?" She said angrily and walked to the door. I immediately caught up to her and came right in front, our chests pressed against each other.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Blaise's" she simply said and I immediately pinned her to the wall behind her.

"The hell you are" I whispered against her ear, leaning into the crook of her neck.

"What? Jealous?" She taunted, her breath so close it was making my mind a mess.

"Like you were with Pansy?" I said, smirking as our noses touched.

"I wasn't jealous! I was just mad that you literally finished apologising and went off with another hoe! So if that's called being jealous, then yeah, I was!". I smirked against her lips. Gaghhhh I can't take this anymore. Our proximity, everything.

"Why are you so mad about me kissing Pansy anyway, huh?" I whispered back and she shivered a little.

"I...I-I" she stuttered, looking for words.

"I what Mione?" I said, smirking. My heart almost burst open with happiness at the fact that she was affected as much as I was.

"I...I don't know!" She exclaimed, pulling her hair in frustration.

"If you don't know, then you wouldn't mind me kissing Pansy. So why are you angry?" I repeated and she averted her eyes.

She muttered something under her breath.

"Hmmm?" I asked again, grazing my lips on her neck. She gasped and I smiled a little.

"Tell me Hermione. Why were you angry?" I said. I gently bit down on her neck, licking and sucking it as I went, leaving a hickey.

"Draco...stop. Draco!" She whispered as I continued the sweet torture on her neck.

"Why were you angry?" I muttered.

"The..same were when...I talked to Blaise...Jealousy."she said as a quiet moan left her mouth. I smirked against her skin.

"I wasn't jealous" I mumbled and she smirked.

"Of course you're weren't. So you wouldn't mind if I kissed Blaise?" She said slowly.

"Don't. Go. Near. Him" I said hoarsely, pulling away and grazing my lips against her own.

"And why is that?" She said, still smirking.

With that, I fiercely crashed my lips to hers. She responded immediately, reacting to my fast pace, tugging at my hair, getting her a quiet groan from me again. Her kiss was urgent and frustrated. I picked her up and pulled her legs against my torso, slamming her against the wall.

I traced the seam of her lips and forced them apart. I dove my tongue into her mouth, exploring it the way she explored my hair. A wave of pleasure crashed through me. We made out for a while, stopping for breaths every once in a while, you know, so we don't die. As if she hadn't killed me already.

"Tell me to stop," I mumbled against her lips. "Tell me to stop before you fucking drive me crazy" I said between kisses.

She shook her head, breaking apart from me and resting her forehead against mine. We stayed like that for awhile.

"What are you doing to me?" I asked, hiding my face inside her hair.

She laughed quietly, heading towards the door. I suddenly felt the need to kiss her again. I grabbed her wrist gently, twirled her around and pressed my lips to hers. I grinned against her lips and she smiled, pulling away, making me pout sadly. She pinched my cheek and i gasped dramatically.

I dipped down and kissed her again, more tenderly this time.

"I need to go, Draco" she mumbled between kisses.

"Okay" I continued kissing her, forcing her lips apart with my tongue, exploring her mouth.

"Then stop kissing me"

"You're kissing me" I protested.

"No you're kissing me"

"And your responding" I moved my hands down and picked her up gently.

"That's different" she argued as she tangled her hands in my hair.


"Doesn't matter, it just is"

"That's doesn't make any sense"

We argued between kisses for a while before she pulled away and tried to fix her messy hair and swollen lips.

I chuckled before running a hand through me hair, making it normal.

She walked up to the door and was about to head out before I quickly spun her around, placing one hand on her waist and another in her hair.

"What?" She asked and I pointed it the clock.

It was only 8:10 and classes start at 9.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

She looked genuinely confused for a moment. I took that as an advantage and pulled her face to mine, kissing her passionately as I slammed the door shut with my foot and backed her up against it.


Hey guyssss.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was caught up with umm...yeah you're right I don't have an excuse. Anyway, we got this thing to 300 reads and I am so happy. I know, it's nothing compared to other authors with like 34.9 million, but to me, I'm just happy someone cares.


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