Chapter 3: Forced bond

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Hermione P.O.V

The guilt was eating me up inside as I stepped out of the carriage. The events that occurred seemed like a hazy dream, but I knew deep down that it had happened. Why did I say that?

I remember how he was in first and second year, so gentle and funny yet mean at the same time. Last year he was cold, lifeless. He was the boy that had no choice.

When I stepped into the fresh air, I smelt not only home, but an overwhelming smell, something that dominated everything else.

It smelt so familiar. It was like...a forest.

Deep, intoxicating, luscious, earthy smell. I lifted my head to follow the scent and my eyes fell upon a person who was already looking my way. Draco Malfoy.

We held each other's gaze for what seemed like eternity. His eyes looked back at me with what I can only describe as raw emotions.

He hesitantly pulled away after a while.

We walked in group towards the great hall, chatting and talking happily. Suddenly, Prof. McGonagals voice boomed over us. We jumped a little before laughing and sitting at our table.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I am professor Mcgonagol and I am the head of Gryffindor. Now, as our two "in charge" professors have....passed on, I am now headmaster." She explained and a cheer went up in the crowd. She smiled before continuing. " Now as you already know we will start the ceremony with the sorting ceremony. Unfortunately there are less than half of how many students we had last year for... obvious reasons." She said and the sorting ceremony begun.

"Now that everyone is sorted, I would like introduce to you the new headgirl and boy of Hogwarts. Can everyone put their hands together for Hermione Jean Granger and Draco Lucius Malfoy!" She said excitedly, getting our badges to us. I pinned mine proudly, but all my boldness died down when she said "They will be in the Head room for anyone who needs to talk. The responsibility is incredible and should be taken seriously. They will look after you and help you in times of need. They are your role models and you should all look up to them. They are both exceptionally great students that we are proud to have in our school. That is all . Ms Granger and Mr Malfoy I expect to see you after dinner for a briefing" she concluded.

I can't believe I'm going to have to share a room with Malfoy. Out of all people, HE had to become head boy. He has about as many role model qualities as a dying slug. Why why why.

After showing the Gryffindor first years into their dorms and having crazy déjà vu, I managed to get to Magonagols office with both my feet.

I arrived at the door, panting and out of breath, only to see Malfoy sitting there already.

"Now you know how poor Percy felt when he had to show you around" she said, laughing.

"We weren't that hard to cope with Professor" I said laughing a little myself.

Draco's P.O.V

Her angelic laugh surrounded the room, putting a smile to my face.

"Excuse me, I have an urgent message i need to see to. I'll be back in 5 minutes" she said quickly, leaving the room

Hermione grumbled in annoyance.

I was still thinking about her laugh when she shrieked. Immediately I spun my head .

"IS DRACO MALFOY SMILING????? Are you okay?!" she said, clearly shocked. He face looked like she's seen a ghost.

Oh no. I can't smile and ruin my perfect bad boy, mr devil, super evil reputation.

"I wasn't smiling, I was smirking, there is a difference, so stop staring and mind your own business you filthy mudblood" I spat.

Her eyes clouded for a moment and I immediately regretted what I said.

"Don't call me a mudblood Malfoy" she said with equal anger as the look she gave me.

"Why? Isn't that what you are? A filthy, lying, good for nothing mudblood. I think you did your parents a favour by obliviating them. It would be so sad for them to look at an ugly, lying, stupid trash can of a daughter. Poor cat, why do you torment it by keeping it with you?You're an unwanted, stupid, ugly, crap of a witch. You don't deserve to be in my presence." I said with hate piled to the sky.

What was that?!?! I didn't mean any of that! How did the words come out of my mouth??

I guilty looked up at her, and she had the coldest, hardest look she ever had.

She looked soulless, lifeless, likes he wasn't even there.

Then something happened that broke me.

A stray tear escaped her eye.

And for a moment, she glared at me.

Then I slowly went to wipe the tear and she slapped my hand away.

Now that she saw the tear, her eyes widened and her guard fell.

I saw all the emotions she was hiding behind that impassive look.

Anger, hate, acceptance and... fright.

No, don't think it was true.

Was she...scared of me?

"Herm-" I began gently but she cut me off.

"You truly are the monster they say you are." She whispered before standing up and leaving.


I'm not, I'm not.

What was i thinking saying that?

Why do I feel guilty? I'm a Malfoy, I don't feel guilty. What did I do?

There was a sense in me to go running after her, but it would be of no use. There is no apology that could work for her to forgive me.

I stood there for a couple minutes, just thinking of what I did, before putting on a causal look and walking out, trying to cover up that I felt bad about what I said.

Looks like it didn't work because I walked up to Theo and he asked us everything was good.

Tired of people looking weirdly at me, I went to go see Blaise.

Imagine my surprise to see Hermione crying into his shoulder.
Why hello reader,

Didn't expect to see you there. Thanks so much for reading and make sure to vote this story please?

Adios ya amazing human

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