Chapter 5: Memory Lane

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Draco's P.O.V

"Granger to you"

Her words hurt my head. It stung me.

I tried to apologize, but we both knew it would be of no use.

I watched her walk away and just stood there for a couple minutes.

What was I doing.

I'm a Malfoy. She's a mudblood. It could never happen.

With that in mind, I walked in to my dorm casually.

Blaise's eyes shot up and he glared at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"How could you?" he said softly.

I knew it hurt him. He has been in the situation before where he thought he was a mudblood and then found out he wasn't.

I convinced myself I didn't really care about my actions , but my conscious felt bad I guess because I had this feeling that I did something wrong but my mind told me it was fine cause everything I had said was true. But it wasn't.

"What, who cares? She's pathetic." I lied.

I cared. Too much.

"And here I was thinking you've changed" he said disappointingly.

"What do you mean?" I quizzed.

"Well in the first 4 years you were so...alive and mischievous. You were happy, not like cheerful happy but like you enjoyed life. Then after Voldermort recruited you, you changed. You weren't the same person anymore. No heart, no soul, no life. You were empty. You ignored everyone and did bad things. You acted like your father." I froze at his words.

He took in my expression, but his frown didn't change. "It's the truth and I'm not going to apologize because you have to come to terms with it. Anyway so you became so heartless and didn't really care about anything. Then one day, I convinced you to go to the library to cool down, remember?" he said and I nodded.

"Then you came out with a smile on your face and you looked happy. Everyone was hella confused. So I went in and saw nothing of your interest in there..." boy was he wrong "and I didn't know what happened so I came back and you went back to normal. Of course you weren't as smiley and happy as before but at least you weren't heartless and cold. You showed some emotions. Then came the Battle of Hogwarts and you became cold again. Now, I never see you smile."

"I want the old Draco back. The one that laughs and teases me about stupid stuff. The one that plays Quidditch happily with a smile on his face. The Draco I knew three years ago." he said solemly.

"Who are you?" he asked, catching me off guard. Who was I?

I sighed.

"At least tell me what happened in the library?" he said with a cheeky smile.

He knows, doesn't he!

"By the look you're giving me you know"

"Come on" he mumbled to himself.


I walked down the halls of the library and looked at all the boring books. What was I doing here? I sat down on a quiet, secluded spot where no one could see me. I'd be embarrassed as hell. I was in between two bookshelfs, the two bookshelfs no one touches because it has stupid and boring books. I would be alone, in my own world.

As my thoughts drifted to my family, I noticed a group of girls in the corner. They looked my way and started giggling. Ugh, gross.

"Omg he looked!" they squealed.


"His hair is so pretty"

"I can mess it up...."

"I'm jealous of Hermione!"

Wait what???

"Stupid mudblood"

Anger coursed through my veins at this. What was I doing? I hated Hermione. Why was I mad at someone saying that?

My mothers words from last night rung a bell.

"Sweetheart, there is going to be a battle soon, and I know who's side I'm on. I want you to come with me, leave your father. We can help save Hogwarts. Think of your friends. I know they aren't right for you. I know what they do. I know who they bully. Please, don't be like them my son. If you see someone bullied, stand up for them, regardless of whether is a pure blood, half blood, or muggle born. We are equal. For me, please?" she pleaded.

This was why I was standing up for the girl I have hated my entire life.

"Don't call her that!" I roared.

They silenced themselves.

"Who told you we are together?" I said, not knowing what came over me.

"Pansy..." they said, scared.

Stupid girl.

I walked past them and into the common room. I grabbed Pansy by her collar and demanded answers.

"That's what you get for leaving me" she said.

How dare she!

**Flashback over**

"So?" he asked, grinning.

"So what?" I asked monotonously.

Now where have I heard that tone before?

"So why did you stand up for her?" he pushes.

"I didn't stand up for her and I wasn't yelling at them for calling her mudblood, I was yelling at them for calling her my girlfriend."

He sighed. I turned away, not being able to see him like this. His blue eyes twinkled with sadness and his slightly tan skin seemed old.

"Get out" he said, not coldly this time, but out of misery.

I nodded slowly and walked out of the room and onto the dining hall.

Macgonagol pulled me aside and stood there as if she was waiting for someone.

She sighed loudly. "I heard your conversation Draco" she whispered sadly. She never called me Draco. This is probably personal.

She was about to say something else when she plastered a fake smile.

"Hello my dear, glad to see you." she said, talking to someone behind me. I knew who it was, but I couldn't bring myself to look at her.

Hermione mumbled hello and sighed.

"Well, I was going to talk to you about your head dorm. You have one bed and two bathrooms. Also..." she rambled on and on.

My eyes widened. One bed only???

I looked over at Hermione who and the same expression, but hers more fearful.

No no no, don't be scared!

Magonagol finished and sent us off.

I tugged at Hermiones hand at the last second, not knowing what be over me.

She looked at me sadly.

"Hermione I'm sorry. I really am." I said honestly.

She glanced at me and sighed. I didn't care how desperate I looked.

She opened her mouth and said something I would never have expected.


Poor Draco. I could change this.

Adios, my lovelies.

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