Chapter 2: Lifeless heart

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Draco's P.O.V
*Before talking to Hermione*

"So Drakey how ya doing" Pansy whispered.

I grimaced. I truly hated Pansy, her annoyingness, her clinging and how she thinks I'm hers. I felt like I was about to throw up.

"Go away" I replied causally.

She gasped. "Drakey I know your mad about ya family but I can fix you" she whined.

My family

I don't have a "family".

My father was killed during the battle of Hogwarts, which I'm not too hurt by. He hated me. He would always beat me up when I wouldn't want to come and make me stand for hours to thank Voldemort for accepting us. He would always try to make me kill people as "target practice" for Harry Potter. He had this theory that I would be the one to murder him. He had it all planned out, but Hogwarts got in the way of everything  and as I was in Hogwarts, he would teach me strategies and stuff like poisoning his food or making him drink Tirmiz(deadly substance almost as bad as the "deadly spell"). I wish my mother and I weren't forced to join the dark side.

My mother.

She was the best. She understood me when no one could. Like me, she was forced to join the dark side because of father. He lost all love and respect for her and instead put it all in Voldemort. It hurt her. She was helped me cure my numb feet and was the only person I loved.
Then Harry happened. She saved him by lying that he was dead, and when the dark lord's minions found out about her good deeds, he punished her with death.

I miss the days when she was alive and father wasn't home. We went for ice cream and she would always encourage me to talk to her about anything and I did. She died a hero. I revised over the note she left me in my head.

Dear Draco,

My life, my heart and my love. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I am proud of the mature, confident boy you have become. It breaks my heart to know that you will never see me again, but do not cry, for I have died in my free will. I saved Harry and therefore Hogwarts. You will always be my pride and joy. Live your life for others, not yourself. I'll admit you are a little on the selfish side but that can change. Be kind and caring to people. It won't hurt you. Apologise  to those you have wronged. Don't let other people control you. I know the sweet and sensitive child you are underneath and that's what I want others to see in you too. Do what you want to do, study want you want to study get your dream job, even if it's a shoe maker, I won't care. Just have kindness in what you do. That is my final wish. For you to open your heart and have a happy life. For me.
Love, Mom.

As I thought of her message, her wish came to my mind. How could I do this?

I remember simpler days, when the only thing we had to worry about was transfiguration exams and Dumbledores lectures.

Pushing desperate Pansy off me, I walked up and down the carriage, spotting a familiar brunette exiting one of the cabins.

How I missed teasing this one.

After she ordered, I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her towards me.

Why did it feel so...right?

"Don't eat too much mudblood, it's shows on your face" I whispered. I felt bad about calling her mud blood, but my pride got in the way of apologising to her.

She immediately jumped back and I missed her warmth. Wait what did I just say? I need medicine and a check up A.S.A.P.....

"What you want Malfoy?" She said calmly, but I knew it was all an act.

"Why, aren't you happy to see me!" I said.

She looked disgusted but it was fake. A smile twitched the corner of her lips and I chuckled.

"Not after you betrayed us. I always knew you were cold and heartless." She spat.

I felt my heart crumble.

What did she just say?

Was I really that bad to make her say that? I never wanted to be apart of Voldemort's stupid army. It was my fathers fault. Him and his undying loyalty. Ridiculous. But was I such a cold and cruel jerk in Hogwarts? How could I be that bad without knowing it?

I looked down for a while, then back up at her.

Her eyes were clouded with guilt and regret.

Why does she say things she doesn't mean?

"Do you really mean half the things you say or is you're pride getting the better of you?" I asked sadly.

Her face gave away her answer.

"See you around Granger" I whispered.

I walked back to my carriage to an awaiting Pansy and Crabbe.

"Aye mate, what took ya so bloody long?" Crabbe asked suspiciously.

"I had to use the bathroom numbskull." I replied casually.

They eyed me up and down to detect any signs of lies, but then eventually, they gave in and continued whatever the hell they were doing.

I peeked our the carriage window and saw her standing there with her head in her hands and felt just a twinge of guilt.

What the heck is happening, I never feel guilty.

I looked out again and she was still there.

What have I done?

Hello senior dolphins!!!!

What up. This was kinda longer I guess but I hope it's enough for a chapter. Make sure to comment and vote please.

Adios my fellow mammals.

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