Chapter 37: Check up

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Draco's P.O.V

"I can't believe we've made it" I whisper to Hermione as we lay on our bed.

"I know, and to think we made it through all the shit life threw at us. First the problems with you, then Snape, then that weird rat guy, then dementors, werewolves, Voldie. All of it"

"We made it pretty far"

"It still hasn't clicked in my head that it's over. No more school, no more classes, no more goofing around. No more halls, no more lunch groups. Just like that" she said, tracing patterns in my shirt, her head on my chest.

"And in 8 more months, no more alone time. Well have a beautiful baby girl" she smiled softly at me, pecking my cheek.

"Or boy" she said pointedly and I chuckled.

"Or both" I said and she shook her head.

"Too much"

"But then we'll both get what we want" I argued and she laughed.

"We don't know that"

A soft knock on the door pulled us out of our glaring contest.

"Ms Granger, the doctor is ready for you" Professor McGonagol said through the door and I grinned.

"Coming!" I called.

"Let's go ,love, see what the gender really is"

She hesitated.

"What happened?" I asked and she smiled.

"Draco, uhhh could we keep the gender unknown?" She asked and my mouth dropped open. How was I supposed to win the argument now? Can I win at all?

"Please?" She pleaded and I sighed, nodding.

"Come on" she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me outside.

We walked up to the nurses dorm and found a man waiting there. He smiled when he saw me and to my annoyance, looked Hermione up and down, smirking like a fucking sicko.

"Hi, you must be Ms Granger" he said, sticking his hand out and I shook it instead. I did not want this perverted weirdo touching her. She gave me a knowing look.

"Mr Malfoy, I'm Dr. Connor Vantaz" he said, nodding his head in acknowledgment.

"Alright let's get you tested" he hummed as he gently lay Hermione on the table. He rubbed a blue liquid onto her stomach slowly and I almost lost it. Call me overprotective, but this was my girl, and I could be because he was touching her unprofessionally.

"I must say you are quite beautiful" he whispered, touching her arm and I growled. He immediately retreated his hand. I turned my attention to the screen. Happiness burst through me as I saw a small shape.

"That's the fetus. About a month old, healthy and going at a steady pace. No complications present" he said. My eyes were glued to the screen. My baby. Our baby.

I looked down to see Hermione with tears in her eyes. I squeezed her hand and she squeezed right back, in a daze.

"So, you should be good to go" he said and I sighed in relief. He began wiping the gel off, but I noticed his hand dangerously close to her part. I watched as he began trailing it upward. I growled lowly at him.

"Get your hand off my girl" I said in a cold voice and saw Hermione's confused expression.

"Your girl?" He asked and I growled again.

"Yep. My girl you retard"

"Draco what the hell?" Hermione screeched and I pointed to where his hand was. She glared at him and pushed the hand off. I smirked at him.

"Well, have a nice day" I said as coldly as possible and took Hermione's hand, leading her outside.

"Hey Aria and I wanted to go shopping, that okay?" She asked.

"Cool. When are we going?"


"Yeah, Aria, you, and me" I asked and she shook her head.

"I meant just Aria and I"

"No Hermione" I said and she sighed.

"I'm going, Draco" she said and walked faster to prove her point.

"Nope. Not without me"

"Draco i don't tell you where to go! I'm going whether you like it or not" she said in a gruff tone, meaning she wasn't going to negotiate.

I sighed when we walked into the dorm, running my hands through my hair. She grabbed her purse and shoes.

"Hermione, what if something happens?"

"Draco I'm not a child. I can take care of myself. Nothings ever happened before and nothings going to happen now" she said gently, giving me a quick kiss.

"You can't confirm that!"

"Yes, I can. I'm going, and nothing is going to happen to either of us"

"Hermione do you not care about the child's safety!?" I said and she looked hurt.

"How dare you. I do care, but I also know nothing is going to happen" she said calmly.

"That's not a risk I'm willing to take!"

"It is one that I am" she said and I scoffed.

"Hermione listen to yourself! You don't care about the baby's health! You don't care about what a going to happen! You don't care is something happens to her/him! What kind of mother would you be?!" I yelled and she gasped, tears in her eyes.


Oh shit. That was horrible. Oh no. Crap crap crap. I took a step towards her and she took one back. I ran my hands through my hair. That was the worst thing you could ever say.

"Crap Mione, I didn't mean it! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It slipped out, I didn't mean it!" I pleaded but she was already at the door. I ran up to her and gripped her wrist lightly, trying to pull her back in but she shook her head.

"You said what you said. End of story. Now let me leave" she said in a cold tone, crying.

"No sweetheart I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I didn't mean it, baby I didn't mean it" I begged but she already left.

I closed the door and slid against the wall. I sat there for ages, thinking about Hermione, our child, our soon-to-be-family. I wonder about our kid. How would they look? Would she/he have my ice blue eyes or Hermione's brown ones? Would they have her beautiful brown wavy hair or my silky platinum blonde?

After what seemed like hours, I heard a soft knock on the door. Maybe Hermione forgot her keys? Why was she knocking. I opened the door eagerly, waiting to make it up to Hermione but instead found a troubled looking McGonagol.

"Professor?" I asked, becoming fearful.

"You two didn't show up to the appointment?" She asked and I looked at her, confused.

"Yes we did. We saw the child, it was healthy, everything ok?" I asked and she looked at me in confusion.

"You went to the appointment? With Dr. Lejla Levic?"

"What? No the appointment was with a man, Dr. Connor Vantaz"

"Who? That's not who I sent" she asked and my face paled. Then who took our appointment?

"Then who took our appointment?!?"

"I don't know! Where is Hermione?" She asked and I felt sick in stomach.

"She...she went out. To do baby shopping"

Now her face paled.

"Can you contact her?" She asked in panic.

"No, her cell is busy" I responded and both our eyes widened.

"We need to find her. Now!" She said loudly and we both rushed out of the room.

My heart was beating a mile a minute. Where was she. Who was Dr. Connor? Is she safe?

I suddenly realised the last thing we talked about. What I said. I need to find her. Now.

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