Chapter 28: New Love

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Hermione's P.O.V

I woke up to an empty bed and room. What happened last night hit me like a train. It was all a blur to me. I don't know why I let him touch me. I guess it was just in the heat of the moment, I didn't know what I was doing.

I quickly brushed my hair and teeth before changing and leaving for the dining hall. I entered and immediately saw Harry talking to a brunette with ocean eyes. She was beautiful, but innocent beautiful. I think her name was Aria Grey. She walked away from Harry to go get food and I noticed as his eyes were only on her. If someone who didn't know either of them walked in, they would've guessed he was in love with her.

I walked up to him and he didn't notice me as he continued staring at her. I cleared my throat and he looked at me. I wiggles my eyebrows suggestively and he rolled his eyes, blushing.

"Oh shut up" he mumbled as I went to pinch his cheeks.

"Hey Har-" the girl said as she looked between us and disappointment clouded her eyes. Not wanting her to get the wrong message, I stuck out my arm for her to shake.

"Hi! I'm Harry's cousin" I said and she looked relieved. But it suddenly turned to confusion.

"Uhhh you don't have cousins" she said bluntly and he shook his head in amusement.

"Long lost" he lied simply and her eyes lit up.

"Sorry I thought you two were dating" she said and me and Harry looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"Us, dating!" Harry said and we continued laughing as she joined in.

"Harry got get yourself some food, will you?" I asked and he gave me a confused look as he held up his plate.

"But I already-" he started.

"Go. Get. Food" I said, about to laugh.

"Yes ma'am" he mumbled.

"So, Aria is it?" I asked and she nodded shyly.

"What do you think of my cousin?" I asked bluntly and she blushed.

"Uhhh he is umm nice and..." she stammered.

"I've seen the way he looks at you. Don't break his heart, he doesn't deserve it" she nodded.

"But the question is, what do you see in him. Is it friendship or do you like him?" I asked and she continued blushing.

"Uhh I" she said, clearly embarrassed.

"I'm kidding, relax. I have a feeling we will be best friends" I chuckled and she laughed.

"Hey baby doll" Goyle came and she made a face that resembled annoyance.

"Leave me alone" she said quietly.

"Why, love?" He whispered, walking closer. I came in between of them.

"She said leave her alone" I spat and he smirked, looking both of us up and down.

"But-" he started.

"Leave her alone!" An angry voice said and we turned to see Harry with a murderous expression as Goyle backed off.

"Thanks guys. No ones ever stood up to me before" she said quietly and I smiled as Harry looked at her longingly.

"Hey Ari can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked and she nodded. Her cheeks turned beet red as he gently grabbed her hand.

"Ahhh what a swoon" someone spat from next to me and I turned to see Ginny.

"Yeah, he deserves the best" I said, looking at her, "especially someone who will treat him right and constantly think about him" i finished and she glared at me.

"I am the best" she said and I smirked.

"What happened to you Ginny? Since when did you become so delusional?" I said back. She walked away, grumbling in annoyance.

"Hey Mione" a voice said and I froze.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"Can I just talk to you for a sec?" Draco asked.

"Fine, whatever" i grumbled.

He led me outside and I followed. As he turned to me I noticed a faint purplish bruise on his left cheek. I was so tempted to ask him about it but I didn't want to make it seem like I care.

"I-" he started.

"Hey Mione" Blaise said, coming out of nowhere and planting a kiss on my cheek. My face turned beet red.

"Hey B. Whatcha doing" I asked.

"Nothing much. What about you?" He asked and turned to glare at Draco.

"You know, the usual" I responded.

"Alright then. Came to check if you were ok, seems like you're fine. See you later" he said, kissing me on the cheek again, causing me to grin widely. He was so sweet.

"Yes so what were you saying?" I asked Draco, who had pain in his eyes.

"Nothing" he mumbled.

"Ok..." I said and walked away.

Just before I was about to go back inside, his warm hand gripped my wrist, causing me to turn and face him.

"Fuck it. I miss you. So much. I'm really sorry sweetheart, I didn't know what I was thinking" he pleaded, cupping my cheek. I flinched.

"I wasn't myself. I swear it meant absolutely nothing to me. I can't stop thinking about you, I'm sorry. I love you. Please give us another chance" he said, kissing my forehead.

"I need you" he said in a broken voice. I stepped out of his touch, observing the look of hurt he wore on his face.

"You had your chance. I've found someone else now. I've moved on, you should too" I said confidently and watched as the last of his emotional guards fell and a tear leaked from his face. His eyes were full of pain and hurt.

"That's- that's ok" he said and I walked away. Before I entered he called out to me.

"I love you" he said and I shook my head.

As I sat down for potions I felt a burning gaze at the back of my head. I didn't turn, knowing it was Malfoy.

"Hey, you ok?" Blaise asked in a concerned voice. I nodded.

"All good" I whispered back and rested my head on his shoulder.

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