Young Remus Lupin- Proper fancied

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Credit-  harrypotterdrables

"Proper Fancied"

Request: Can I request a Remus x reader where its after a full moon and she's helping him to his dorm with the marauders but her dorm is first so she's about to go in but they all hear the other girls making fun of her (kind of look at me i'm Sandra Dee) and they let it slip that she has a crush on Remus?

Pairing: Young Remus Lupin x reader

Warnings: Crude language, sort of angst? Manly loving, lots of worrying, not much fluff ngl and a bit of a sadistic reader (you'll see)

Word count: 2399

It's the worst one you'd seen yet

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It's the worst one you'd seen yet.

James had rushed into your dormitory not long back - they always seemed to somehow get past the magical slide - and had promptly dragged you out of the room without and explanation despite your frantic complaints of his sudden actions.

You were just about to clamber into your bed, the rest of the gals were Merlin knows where (they never really invited you with them that much, but you didn't particularly care, you had four brilliant friends that meant the world to you), meaning you were still in the same oversized shirt that probably belonged to Peter or one of the boys and some ridiculous looking pumpkin pattern shorts. Not the greatest of looks you had to admit.

"-James! What-what's going on?" You hastily questioned as you nearly tripped over a step, his long legs striding further that yours could ever reach. His hair was in an horrendously disheveled state that you'd never seen since he had attempted to comb his curls back in your 3rd year. "Moony, he-" James choked out and your heart leaped as you realised that-

Oh my merlin, he's crying? What's happened to Remus?

With the resolve of the determined Gryffindor you were, you halted, grasping a moving James by his broad-woahwhendidhehetthisbroad-shoulders and gently shook him. "James, calm down love. Breathe, tell me what's happened before you drag me to my death?" You gave him a comforting smile, still keeping the wit in you voice, the last thing you want is an even more panicked James. He never worked well when he was crying; it always ended up with blurred vision, tripping, walking into walls and intensive hiccuping that resembled the squeak of polishing trophies that filch made us do every week.

James shoved his glasses up on his head and wiped his face dry, "It's Moony- he," sniffle "-It's the worst its ever been, he's proper banged up, we've messed up," He looked up, his guilty eyes puffy and red, "Y/N, I dont know whats going to happen."

You completely forgot, it was the full moon that night. The boys never let you join in their animagi antics and to be frank you didn't want to see someone you admired so much in unbearable pain. You knew Remus didn't like you seeing him when his furry problem came about, he didn't want you to worry nor see him in such a weakened state. Your feelings towards the sandy haired boy didn't even waver when he first admitted it to you, it even grew; you just felt so flattered and grateful that remus trusted you enough to tell you.

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