Fred Weasley - Just like magic

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Credit: lupinscorner

Pairing: fred weasley x reader

Request: Hiya! If your requests are still open, can I please request a Fred Weasley x American muggle! reader imagine where they meet and fall in love + he brings her to meet his family and tell her about magic + kisses and hugs?

Word count: 1,063

Warnings: none

A/n: In this story, Fred is not killed during the battle of hogwarts. Because I imagined this took place when he was 20, he needed to have survived. Enjoy & sorry it took so long! I may also make a prequel to this where they meet, so stay tuned.

"Mum, Dad, no magic," Fred sternly advised his parents, glaring at his mother as she floated a stack of plates onto the table

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"Mum, Dad, no magic," Fred sternly advised his parents, glaring at his mother as she floated a stack of plates onto the table.

Molly let the plates down gently. "Well she's not here yet, dear."

"So, this y/n is a muggle?" Arthur called from the living room. "Do you suppose she could tell me a little bit about muggle currency? It's just so confusing-"

"No dad. You will not ask her any questions about any muggle things you're confused about."

Molly came up to her son, ruffling his red hair. "Someone's a little bit nervous, isn't he?"

He shoved Molly's hand off of his head, smoothing down his hair. "I just don't want her to get all freaked out."

"Well Freddie, if she really loves you, she won't care."

"Yeah, yeah, mum, save the speech."

A quiet knock sounded on the door. Fred jumped. "Oh god, oh god, she's here." He ran to the front of the house, swinging the door open.

"Hi," you greeted, quickly kissing him.

"Hey. You ready for dinner?"

"Well I am always up for food, but meeting your parents is a bigger task."

Fred kissed you on the cheek. "They'll love you, I promise." He took your hand and walked you to the table. Two redheads stared at you smiling.

The woman rushed towards you, giving you a tight hug. "I'm Molly, Fred's mum. We have heard so much about you."


She pointed to the man, who shook your hand warmly. "This is Arthur, my husband."

He pulled up a seat at the table, motioning for you to sit. "It's great to meet you."

The rest of the party sat down, dishing out the feast that laid before you.

Molly spoke up. "So y/n, tell us about yourself."

You set down your fork, wiping the extra bread crumbs that had fallen off of your lap onto the floor. "Mrs. Weasley, thank you for the meal. It was wonderful."

Molly beamed. "Oh, thank you so much." She whisked herself out of her chair. "Here, let me clear your plate."

"Oh, thank you."

Mr. Weasley sat up. "So, you mentioned earlier that you go to college right now, yes?"

You nodded.

"That's great. So tell me about the...function...of 'college.' So after you've finished go to it more?"

Fred sighed, glaring at his dad.

Molly interrupted, scrubbing dishes by the sink. "Fred, why don't you show y/n outside. The garden just looks wonderful in spring."

Fred grabbed your hand and pushed in your chair once you got up. Arthur gave his son an encouraging nod. You headed out the door, not noticing Arthur mouthing to Fred 'Tell her.'

The night air left goosebumps on your skin. You shivered, letting Fred guide you to the garden.

"Y/n," he began, pulling you a little closer to him. "You know how you've never been to where I worked?"

You sighed. "Even though we've been dating for years? Yeah."

"There's a reason."

"I would hope."

Fred scratched the back of his neck. "Trust me. There is. I know I've sometimes acted a little strange." You scoffed. "Yeah, I know. But you still stuck by me. And I trust you. So that's why I'm going to tell you this."

You waited in anticipation as he hesitated to find the right words. "Go on," you encouraged, flashing him a tiny smile.

"Alright," he said, stepping a little back from you. "Just don't think I'm crazy. Give me one chance." You cocked a brow. as Fred sucked in. "I'm magic. Well, I'm not magic...I can perform magic. What I meant to say was that I'm a, well a wizard."

Awestruck, your mouth was gaping and you stood stone still. You were not expecting that. "Umm..."

Fred shuffled around in his pocket. "I know that it sounds crazy. But there's a whole community - a whole race of wizards." He grabbed a wooden stick out of his pocked. "Look, this is my wand. I can do magic. I promise."

Is he a nut job? You questioned. There's only one way to find out. "Show me?"

Fred nodded, glancing down at his wand. After a moment, he swiftly waved his wand, blue and white light dancing in the air. The whips started to cluster together, soon four legs forming until it came out into a recognizable Hyena. You giggled as it pranced around your head, its legs running on air. Slowly, it began to fade back into the night air, leaving only the midnight sky above you.


Fred tucked his wand away, smirking at you. "Just with a little bit of magic."

"I think I need to sit down," you said woozily, plopping down on the grass.

Fred wiped the grass around you, sitting next to you. "Okay, but be careful of the gnomes."

"Gnomes?" You grasped your temple. Oh my god, I'm going crazy.

"Yeah, we have gnomes. And dragons. I should really show you one sometime...I bet Charlie could find a huge Horntail for us."

"So that's what your brother does? Wrangles dragons?" You said, brows furrowing.

Fred blushed. "Well, yeah. And I run a joke shop."

You glanced down at your palms, your fingers fiddling with each other. "That's normal. Why didn't you show me?"

"Because some of products can make your tongue grow so long it will touch the ground."


Fred, determined, pulled out his wand. "Here, let me show you more. There's a whole race of witches and wizards." He concentrated for a moment, until his wand plucked a flower out of the ground and floated it towards you. Hesitantly, you took it. "Look, I'm not crazy. You're not either. No matter"

You took Fred's hands in yours. "Fred, this whole thing is weird, but also cool at the same time? I don't really know what to think. But I do know that I love you, as cheesy as that is. This just makes my life more...spicy."

Fred chuckled. "Spicy?"

"For lack of a better term, yes."

Fred laughed a little bit until his face grew serious and he slowly leaned in. Lightly, he brushed your nose with his lips, then moving down to give you a proper kiss. You sunk into his touch, melting into him.

He broke away to whisper. "Does this make me a cooler boyfriend?"

"Oh definitely." 

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