Draco Malfoy - The cliched best friend story

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Credit: oursisthefvry

IMAGINE: Blaise is best friend to (Y/N) and Draco. He's also the best friend who sees everything between the two. He's made it his sole mission to make sure that (Y/N) and Draco end up together.

 He's made it his sole mission to make sure that (Y/N) and Draco end up together

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'Maybe it was just how they acted around each other. Like their souls knew each other from years ago. They clicked. They were best friends. They belonged to each other.'

Blaise walked into the common room and was met with a familiar sight, "Well don't you two look awfully cozy." (Y/N) and Draco looked up from the couch and directed their gazes to Blaise and then to their intertwined legs. (Y/N) went back to reading her textbook while Draco gave Blaise a withering glare.

Blaise smiled at his best friends and sat down opposite of the couch they were sitting on, "Did you hear that Potter back talked to Snape again?" He received a semi-interested noise from (Y/N), however she never removed her focus from the book. Draco, once again ignored his friend, more interested in playing with (Y/N)'s hair and reading his newspaper.

Blaise leaned back and folded his arms across his chest. He watched in enjoyment as Draco leaned back more on the couch, now slouching however his legs and arms still managing to touch (Y/N)'s. She leaned back into the new position, this now allowed her to see his newspaper as well. This was one of Blaise's pastimes, observing people especially (Y//N) and Draco. No matter what they said or denied, he truly believed that his two best friends were together. No one can stand Draco for that long, even if they were best friends since they were born. Everyone agreed that they're somehow together, everyone in Hogwarts has the unofficial bet: 'When Will (Y/N) and Draco finally admit that they love each other?'. Even Trelawney said that (Y/N) and Draco were highly compatible because their zodiac signs complimented each other which earned eyerolls from the two.

She brought out the best in Draco -the caring and protective side that no one hardly sees, but whenever she's around or whenever (Y/N) is threatened, Draco will not back down until he hexes them to death, or get his father to liquify the said person's accounts. He brought out the best in her too. She wasn't the nicest Slytherin, but she was the most charming one in their house, making even the most hostile Gryffindor wouldn't be able to deny her a favour if she asked.

Blaise was brought out of his musing when (Y/N) exclaimed in her seat, causing a very much startled Draco to look at her and drop the newspaper. "Is everything okay?"

(Y/N) nodded eagerly, she jumped up from the couch and ran to grab a quill and a piece of parchment, she mumbled to herself for a couple of minutes while scribbling hurriedly. "(Y/N)?" Draco said to her when she finally stopped writing.

She looked at him with a bright smile, one that he couldn't help but copy, "Sorry. It's just for the research that my father wants me to do. I found the article that can help it."

Draco nodded, "I still don't get why you're doing this. Your father owns the law firm."

(Y/N) arched her right brow and looked at Draco, "How many times do I have to tell you that I want to get accepted through my own volition, not because of my surname?"

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