Preference- How you met

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Credit- bangtansugababy

Harry Potter:

"Miss L/N?" Professor Snape's low, threatening voice echoed in the Potions classroom and Harry was startled from the hatred in it. He looked at Snape and followed his gaze to the source of his hatred. It was a girl, sitting in the back. Apparently she was talking with her friend and that infuriated Snape. But she didn't shrink in her place like most would under his frightening gaze, but stood tall against him with just as much fire in her eyes "Yes, professor Snape?" she said with the same voice as him. That infuriated Snape even more and all he said was "Detention, after class.". But that didn't even cause her to flinch "I will not come to detention." she answered and that caused the entire class to burst out into laughter and Snape to snarl with hatred. Harry was astonished by her bravery and boldness. He wanted to talk to her and decided to do it after class.

Ron Weasley:

"Bloody Hell!" Ron shouted internally. He was late for the second time for professor McGonagall's class and she wasn't going to let him off so easy this time. Just when he reached the door, he felt a collision with another body and they both tumbled onto the ground. Ron groaned and rubbed the back of his head, trying to make the dull pain go away. He looked at the person who caused the collision. It was a girl who was in just as much of a hurry as him. "So... heh... you're late too, huh?" Ron asked as he was standing up. The girl giggled slightly "Yeah...We should go inside or professor McGonagall is going to kill us." Ron laughed "We should." And opened the door for her to walk inside first, bracing himself for the scolding the professor was going to give them

Draco Malfoy:

"Get away from me, filth!" The first reaction you thought of was to yell at Pansy Parkinson, who passed by you and tried to shove her hand in your bag, probably to mug you. You honestly didn't expect it from her! The nerve! That yell caused everyone in the corridor to turn around, including her company and Draco Malfoy. For a second you thought they were going to attack you, but they didn't do anything without the permission of Draco. He just laughed "Pansy, why must you do that? Are you that poor that you have to mug students in the middle of the day?" he asked loud enough for everyone in the corridor to hear. "We don't rob people, Pansy. That would give me a bad name. If you're dying for money, you can always ask." Pansy's face was entirely red from embarrassment. Then he winked at you, which made you blush.

Severus Snape:

A new school year began and yet again, Hogwarts had no Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. Severus heard Dumbledore say he found someone, but he didn't know nothing else about this new teacher. As he walked through the doors of the Great Hall, avoiding everyone, he made his way towards the teachers' table. He didn't notice an unfamiliar female sitting in the chair next to his and sipping wine from a goblet. "Severus Snape, I presume?" He heard her voice and looked at her with a blank expression. She smirked at him, looking up from her goblet, a devilish look in her eyes, which made his breath hitch. This was going to be an interesting school year

Sirius Black:

"Y/N?!" Sirius exclaimed, hope in his voice. He was happy to see a familiar face after so many years behind bars with the same scenery every day. But he was surprised and worried, seeing Y/N in Azkaban, even if she was on the other side of his cell. "Shh!" She hissed "I'm helping you out!" Sirius blinked at her, confused. "How did you get in here without being spotted?" He asked. Y/N huffed and rolled her eyes "I run this place, dummy!" She answered "Why do you think the dementors stay away from me? The old director is retired and I was chosen to replace him." She explained. "And before you ask, yes, a wizard has to run this place. Who do you think keeps the dementors from sucking out the souls of the prisoners?" Sirius bit his lip and nodded "Good point." Y/N opened his cell and quickly motioned for him to get out.

Charlie Weasley:

Charlie held onto the metal chain around the dragon's neck even tighter and tried as hard as he could to tie it to the nearby metal rod, but it was quite hard when the beast was thrashing around and spitting fire every three seconds. He huffed in annoyance and tried to calm the giant, but nothing worked. It was a smaller version of a Hungarian Horntail. Smaller, because it was still young. Just when he was about to give up, he heard a loud "Yahoo!" Coming from the sky and looked up quickly to see a giant Norwegian Ridgeback flying his way. He raised an eyebrow because the voice was human and all he could see was a dragon. It landed heavily on the ground and made a few steps around to get used to this new place. Charlie noticed a woman on it's back, holding metal "reins". He watched her, eyebrow raised still, as she got off the dragon's back and tied the chains to Charlie's metal rod and the dragon didn't even budge without her permission. "You look like you could use some help with that." She smiled at him and snatched the chains from his hands. "I-I think you'll have trouble with this one...he's quite the wild-" Charlie tried to warn her, but she ignored him "Hey!" She chirped at the dragon "Calm down now, it's alright." Apparently the beast understood her and sat still as she tied the chains next to her dragon's. Charlie just stared with astonishment and his jaw dropped.

Oliver Wood:

Ever since before the start of the Quidditch game, Oliver knew he was going to have trouble concentrating because of a certain Slytherin chaser. And she sensed it, which was worse. Oliver knew it because of the smirk she had on her face when she looked at him and flipped her hair as sensually as she could or swayed her hips when she made sure he was looking. She confidently flew past him and threw the quaffles right past Oliver, who couldn't do anything because she was doing everything she could to distract him, ignoring the Gryffindor audience's Boo's. Slytherin was leading 70-0. Oliver's only hope was Harry to find the snitch. And several minutes later he was already chasing it and practically fighting with Slytherin's seeker. He let himself return the girl's intense gaze and winked at her, to which she just smirked.

Oliver was pleased with the game's results because Gryffindor ended up winning anyway, but that didn't seem to bother the girl even a bit, because she was just as provocative towards him as before.

Fred and George Weasley:

"Detention sucks." She thought as she scrubbed the cauldrons clean. Snape had sent her to detention just because she was five minutes late and on top of that, because professor Flitwick had to talk to her! She thought she was going to be alone this time, because it's been an hour since she was here and there was always someone else with her whether they arrived before or fifteen minutes after her. Then suddenly the door flew open and Snape shoved in a pair of snickering twins. "As if pulling pranks during class was bad enough, but being late for detention adds up to it!" Snape shouted and slammed the door shut behind them. The girl rolled her eyes "Grouch." she pointed out. The twins laughed again "I know right!" They said in unison.

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