Fred Weasley - Roses

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Credit: potter-imagines

Prompt: Ravenclaw reader has been receiving gifts from an anonymous sender and after her friend drags her to the second match of the Triwizard Tournament, their identity is revealed.

Word count: 7,305 (sorry I got carried away)

Warnings: Maybe two swear words, other than that nothing

A bouquet of luscious red rose tied together rested against the door frame. Your breath hitched in your throat as your school work fell from your hands. They collided with the floor in an instant creating an echoing crash to follow.

Most cases you would have rushed to pick them up but the gift contained all your attention. Your fingers pressed to the side of your jaw, the palm of your hand covering your mouth to mask the gasp.

You scanned the hallway searching for any form of life. The empty corridor suggested no lead on as to who dropped the surprise off. Although there was a note attached to the clear plastic outer layer.

Bending down at the knees you plucked the thick card from the envelope and flipped it open. Excitement flooded you like a schoolgirl receiving a valentine. Not that this was too far from reality.

You unfolded the card gleefully yearning to see who the sender was. The tilted black cursive reflected opposite to the chicken scratch you had been gifted with the week before. This was neat, almost as if it had come fresh from a typewriter.

Dear Y/n,

I hope you find these flowers to be as beautiful as you. Your paper today in Astronomy was outstandingly well written and thoughtful. I had to bite my tongue to keep from comparing your e/c to the twinkling stars in the sky in front of the whole class. I knew my friends would give me quite the blow for that- especially my brother, but you're worth it. You really did look perfect today in class. See you around, darling.

The bottom was left unsigned crushing your heart in one grasp. You scrutinized the text scouring for an answer to the unannounced present.

Three weeks prior you had found chocolates on your bedside table. Your roommate swore up and down she had no clue how the sweets found their way to your possession.

Two weeks before you came across a series of love notes, all deep enough to melt your insides turning them to mush. Whoever it was, they remained anonymous in every sending seeing as the gift you got last week, that an owl dropped in your lap during the middle of lunch, had a note attached to the bottom signed with an 'x'. It was a single strand of pearls. The jewelry wrapped like a glove around your wrist as if it were made for you.

All you wanted was a name, or to know the sender's house at the least. That way you could savage about for the owner and thank them, or take them out for butterbeers, whichever came first.

A dreamy sigh came as you held the roses flush to your chest and pushed open your dorm door. Luckily the room was vacant allowing you to dance like a fool placing the flowers aside on your fluffy bed. You felt like a permanent resident on cloud nine, head in the sky and your heart flying high.

Gasping, your dancing ceased as one and you rushed to reread the card. Your eyes fell on the line you were looking for and a new stroke of blithe took over. 'I knew my friends would give me quite the blow for that- especially my brother,' Astronomy class was mixed with the Ravenclaw students and Gryffindor. There were no Ravenclaw kids in your grade that had a sibling in the same grade- expect the Dorsin twins but they were both happily dating two snobbish Muggle girls whom they had been seeing for a long while.The only other set of twins in the class came from the Gryffindor pool of Weasley's.

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