Young Remus Lupin- The girl with the books

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The girl with the books

Warnings: None

Short description: MARAUDER ERA! You have caught Remus's eye, and the Marauders tease him when the notice Remus staring longingly after you: a girl who reads a lot. Later, Sirius and James walk over to you and tell you about Remus.

 Later, Sirius and James walk over to you and tell you about Remus

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For a Gryffindor, you had always been quite shy. Although you weren't ever teased for it; at least not by people in your own house. Some Slytherins could be irritating, but you knew that most of them meant well. You were quite bookish and spent a lot of your time in the library, reading fiction or researching random things you had come up with and wanted to learn more about.

Remus Lupin sat with his three best friends, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter and Sirius Black at the other end of the library, mostly because Remus had to force them out of their dormitory. "What is it that you find so fascinating about a hall full of books?" Sirius inquired, lifting a book up from the table, grimacing, and putting it back down.

"It's not about the books, Padfoot." Remus snapped quietly, looking down as he saw you look up, thinking you might catch him gazing at you.

"Oh, really?" James asked, leaning back in his chair. "Then why are we here? The only reason I usually come to the library is because lily spends a lot of time here." He sighed happily. "She's so responsible."

Sirius let out a snort at his best friend's words and rolled his eyes. "You don't pick up girls in a library," He informed James. "That's what broom cupboards are for, mate." Sirius sniggered to himself, and his friends chose to ignore his words.

"Classy." Remus couldn't help but chime, his stare drifting back to where you sat, now pulling you hair back into a loose ponytail. He loved the way you did that. Remus loved the way you did everything, really. He had always liked you, ever since you loaned him a quill when he forgot his, saving him from extreme embarrassment and the possibility of failing his owl. The rule was if you didnt come completely prepared, you weren't permitted to take the exam at all.

"Moony?" Sirius waved a hand in front of Remus's face, attempting to get his attention. "Remus mate, what are you staring-" He turned around and say exactly what he was staring at. "Oh," Sirius said suggestively. "It's not a what, its a who."

James's head snapped up and he launched himself next to Sirius, trying to get a look as you as well. At the sound and commotion, you looked up from your book, and James and Sirius proceeded to 'act natural', by whistling and twirling their hair, pretending they weren't silently observing you.

You grinned to yourself, shaking your head slightly before getting up to put one of your books back.

"And who exactly is that, Moony my dear?" James asked, adjusting his glasses as they had slipped down his nose when he whipped his head around to look at you.

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