Sirius Black - House of cards

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Credit: wizardwritings

Prompt: "You sneezed and blew down my house of cards you have three seconds to run" AU by @the-witch-daddy. (Sirius Black x Reader)

Word Count: About 1,500.

Warning(s): Language, colds, sexual tension.

Warning(s): Language, colds, sexual tension

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"Y/N! Look what I made!"

As you trudged down the hallway of your flat, you wrapped your fluffy robe tighter around your body. With a ball of tissues in one hand and a cup of tea in the other, you took in the view of your roommate staring proudly at the big stack in front of him.

You blinked. "A house of cards?"

Nodding firmly, his lips fell into a smug grin. "I've been working on it since I woke up."

"And when did you wake up?"

"About one in the afternoon."

"Sirius– It's six in the evening now," you said incredulously, rubbing your already red nose with a handful of tissues. "You've been working on this thing for five hours."

He didn't seem the notice the chastisement in your tone, too focused on admiring his hard work.

"And you've been drooling in bed for the past five hours," Sirius said, shooting you a cheeky wink, to which you responded by flushing red. "At least one of us was doing something productive."

"First off, I don't drool!" you protested as you instinctively wiped the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand. "Second, how is building this productive?"

Taking a closer look at it, though, you realized it looked rather difficult to make. There were layers upon layers of cards stacked on top of each other, each one looking like it could topple over at any minute. But they didn't.

"Okay, fine– This is actually pretty cool," you admitted, taking a step closer to his creation.

"See!" Sirius remarked, smiling in satisfaction. When you shuffled a little closer, he stuck his arm out in front of you, alarm present on his face. "I don't think so, princess. You have to stay two feet away from this masterpiece at all times."

"Are you referring to the house of cards, or to yourself?"

He snorted in laughter, eyebrows shooting up to his forehead. "Getting cheeky now, are we? I meant the house of cards. You can get as close to this masterpiece–" he gestured to himself "–as you so desire."

"I'll keep that in mind–"

Sirius saw it coming before it happened.

Your eyes fluttered shut as your nose scrunched up, your mouth seemed to open in slow motion as you released a loud sneeze, trying in vain to cover your face as soon as possible. The tea in your one hand spilled at the sudden movement and the tissues in the other rustled as your sneeze produced a gust of air.

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