Draco Malfoy- Him dealing with you on your period

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Credit- cherrie511

Draco dealing with you dealing with your period includes...

- Him responding to your period-induced irritability with more irritability at first

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- Him responding to your period-induced irritability with more irritability at first.

- "What's your problem? Honestly, Y/N, relax."

- Him finding out because it burst out during a rant.

- "Relax? Relax? I have a transfiguration test tomorrow, a 3 foot long parchment due in potions, I slept 3 hours last night, and to top it all off, I'm bleeding out of my vagina, and you have the audacity to tell me to relax?" "Okay, I'm sorry, I was just - wait, what?"

- Him feeling really bad and treating you like a fragile lil doll for the next few days because he's pretty clueless about the mechanics or menstruation- he just knows that you're bleeding and it hurts.

- When he realises that you're actually in a lot of pain, he checks out a bunch of anatomy books from the library in an attempt to understand and research remedies for period symptoms.

- "Here, drink this; it's Guelder Rose infused tea. I read that it helps ease the cramps and contractions in the lining of your uterus by limiting the amount of prostaglandin produced." "Prosta- what? Um... Thanks."

- Draco eventually finds the pattern and literally has your week marked down on his calendar (in red ink).

- During these days, he's sure to be the perfect boyfriend; providing all the sweets, back rubs, and compliments you could possibly want.

- Hogwarts students get their female sanitary products from Madame Pomfrey in the hospital wing, and you've definitely asked Draco to do pad/tampon runs before. He doesn't mind because he's eager to help in any way he can.

- He's not afraid to get his sword bloody if you're in the mood, catch my meaning?

- Years after the war, it's him who notices that your period is late, leading you to realise that you're expecting a Malfoy heir. He couldn't be happier.

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