Young Sirius Black- Never been kissed

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Credit- wizardwritings

Never been kissed

Prompt: "You've never had a New Year's kiss?" In which, after a few shots of firewhiskey and a glass of champagne, you admit that you've never been kissed to your crush of two years. Sirius Black.

Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, jealousy, kissing and just a weeny bit of sexual tension.

"Another round, Y/N?" James called, extending a shot glass filled with a burnt orange coloured liquid to you

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"Another round, Y/N?" James called, extending a shot glass filled with a burnt orange coloured liquid to you.

"I dont know..." Your trailed off, biting your lip as you gauged how intoxicated you were.

You felt a slight buzz in your head and a feeling of looseness in your limbs. You were only a few shots in and just a bit tipsy, but you knew from experience how one shot could change that. Besides, you weren't planning on getting piss drunk and making a fool of yourself at your best friend, Lily's, New Year's Eve party. She pulled this whole thing together, so you decided you would babysit and let her go wild.

"C'mon, Y/N. Don't grandma out on me yet," Drawled Sirius, the corner of his mouth tilted upward in a lazy grin. "It's only eleven- the night has barely started."

James pulled out his puppy-dog pout no one could say no to and even Remus raised his shot glass with a smile. You groaned, taking the glass from James' hand as the boys erupted into cheers.

"Just one more shot," You said sternly. "That's my limit for tonight."

Sirius slung an arm around your shoulders and raised his glass, shooting you a wink that stated he clearly did not believe this was your last drink. "To Y/N's last shot of the night!"

As you toasted your drink and took a shot of the vile liquid, you basked in the company around you. Although these boys knew how to get on every single one of your nerves, you wouldn't trade their friendship for the world. And you were happy you got to start the new year with them.

Placing your shot glass on the countertop, you nodded at the group.

"As nice as this was, I better go check up on the other party-goers," You said, taking a swig of the jungle juice Remus offered you to wash down the taste of firewhiskey. "Don't miss me too much."

Right as you turned away, you heard Sirius call, "I miss you already!"

Shaking your head, you rolled your eyes with a smile, mentally scolding yourself for feeling butterflies in you stomach at what was obviously a joke.

You wandered around the perimeters of the living room, catching up with some of your friends you lost touch with over the years. After about half an hour of socialising, you realised you no longer had enough alcohol in you to tolerate a crowd of drunk people and found yourself a seat on the corner of a couch.

Not long after, you made eye contact with Sirius, who seemed to be chatting up Marlene as they leaned against the countertop, both with a plastic cup in their hands. Seemed like he didn't miss you much after all. Forcing a small smile, you drew your gaze away, playing with the hem of your miniskirt as you folded one leg on top of the other.

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